Search Results - radiology

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3D Printed Heterogeneous Density Modulators for Enhanced Precision in Radiation Therapy
Range modulators with variable density enhancing precision to control dosage and spatial distribution of radiation. Problem: Particle radiation therapy, increasingly standard for eligible patients, requires precise energy selection to effectively target tumors. Conventional range modulators, primarily varying in thickness, lack the precision needed,...
Published: 6/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Boon-Keng (Kevin) Teo, Peter Noel, Wei Zou, Wenbo Gu, Alexander Lin, Lei Dong, Kai Mei
Keywords(s): Oncology, Radiology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Full Spectrum Computer Vision for Photon Counting CT (Case No. 2024-058)
Summary: Researchers in the Department of Radiological Sciences have developed a machine learning algorithm that processes multispectral photon counting CT data for accurate medical imaging. Background: Photon counting computed tomography (PCCT) is a tremendous engineering advancement, enabling high resolution spectral imaging with myriad applications....
Published: 9/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Matthew Brown, Dieter Enzmann, John Hoffman, Michael Mcnitt-Gray
Keywords(s): AI algorithms, Algorithm, Algorithm Optical Coherence Tomography, algorithmic cancer detection, Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), artificial electromagnetic materials, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence augmentation, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neuron, artificial-intelligent materials, Big Data, Bladder Cancer, blood cancers, Brain cancer, Breast Cancer, Cancer, cancer antigen, cancer detection, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cancer stem cells, cancer target, Computed tomography, CT, Deep Learning, design software, Digital Pathology, generative artificial intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, Histopathological image analysis, Histopathology, histopathology images, hyperparameter optimization, Image Analysis, Image Processing, lympathic cancers, lymphatic cancer, Medical artificial intelligence (AI), Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Cancer Cells, Orthotopic cancer models, Pancreatic cancer, pathology image analysis, Photon counting computed tomography (PCCT), prostate cancer, Radiology, Radiology / Radiomitigation, Software, Software & Algorithms, Software Development Tools, Software-enabled learning
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Data Analytics
PET Radiotracers for Diagnosis and Patient Stratification of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Small molecules that bind to alpha-synuclein deposition and can be used for PET imagining in patients with synucleinopathies Problem: Imaging alpha-synuclein (αS) using noninvasive techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) can help with the early diagnosis of synucleinopathies. Previous PET radiotracers suffer from low binding affinity...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robert Mach, E. James Petersson
Keywords(s): Imaging Agents, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Radiology, Small Molecule
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Chemical Processes and Synthesis, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Research Tools & Reagents
Human-AI Hybrid Intelligence Model to Accurately Recognize and Segment Organs on Medical Scans 70% Faster Than Physicians
AAR-DL (Automatic Anatomy Recognition – Deep Learning) is a hybrid intelligence recognition and delineation segmentation model that outputs automatically delineated organs in medical images by combining natural intelligence’s (i.e., human knowledge’s) and artificial intelligence's strengths to map organs and their boundaries in...
Published: 6/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jayaram Udupa, Tiange Liu, Dewey Odhner, Chao Jin, Yubing Tong, Drew Torigian
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Data Science, Healthcare IT, Oncology, Platform Technology, Radiology, Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging
Learning to Read Chest X-Rays: Recurrent Neural Cascade Model for Automated Image Annotation
Abstract: Medical image datasets are an important clinical resource. Effectively referencing patient images against similar related images and case histories can inform and produce better treatment outcomes. Labeling and identifying disease features and relations between images within a large image database has not been a task capable of automation....
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hoo Chang Shin, Le Lu, Ronald Summers
Keywords(s): Chest X-Rays, CNN, Computer Assisted Diagnostics, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning Model, Disease Mining from Images, Radiology, Recurrent Neural Networks, RNN, Shin
Category(s): Application > Software / Apps, Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology
Eye Tracking Application in Computer Aided Diagnosis and Image Processing in Radiology
Abstract: Medical imaging is an important resource for early diagnostic, detection, and effective treatment of cancers. However, the screening and review processes for radiologists have been shown to overlook a certain percentage of potentially cancerous image features. Such review errors may result in misdiagnosis and failure to identify tumors. These...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Bradford Wood, Haydar Celik, Ulas Bagci, Ismail Turkbey
Keywords(s): CAD, cc, Clinical Center, Computer Aided Diagnostics, DEVICE, Eye tracking, Image Processing, National Institutes of Health, NIH, Radiology, software, WOOD
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Software / Apps, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
Xenon Biosensors Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection
A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based enzyme-detection system comprising xenon (129Xe) biosensors complexed with an enzyme-specific peptide substrate. Problem: In 2023, about 298,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, with an estimated 43,700 deaths. Early cancer detection in the localized stage increases the five-year relative...
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ivan Dmochowski, Qian Wei, Nicholas Kuzma, Aru Hill
Keywords(s): Bioengineering, Imaging Agents, Neurology, Oncology, Radiology, Women's Health
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Chemical Processes and Synthesis, Technology Classifications > Imaging
Radiation Sensitizers to Enhance Treatment of Malignant Tumors
Radio-sensitizing compounds for glioblastoma and other solid cancer Problem: Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), the most common primary brain tumor in adults, is an aggressive and locally invasive tumor. Despite advances in surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, overall survival of patients affected by GBM has only marginally increased from 6 to 14...
Published: 1/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Constantinos Koumenis
Keywords(s): Radiology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutics
Spine TK: Deep Learning AI Toolkit for Spine Health Assessment
Fast quantification of spine fractures, curvature, vertebral deformities, vertebral texture, vertebral strength, bone density, and intervertebral disk measurements using CT, MR, DXA, PET, or X-ray images for evaluation of spine health and surgery planning. Problem: Bone mass and quality deficiencies are the leading cause of bone disease in the United...
Published: 6/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chamith Rajapakse
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Orthopedics, Radiology, Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging
AI-Powered Optical Tool for Fluorescence-Guided Oncological Surgery
An optical device that uses artificial intelligence and fluorescence to discern tumor cells from healthy cells during surgery. </rss.brief Problem: When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, fluorescence-guided surgery is often their best treatment option. This highly successful procedure uses an inert near-infrared dye to discern tumors from healthy...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sunil Singhal, Feredun Azari, Sardar Azari
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Imaging Agents, Infectious Disease, Oncology, Radiology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Imaging
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