Search Results - histopathological+image+analysis

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Full Spectrum Computer Vision for Photon Counting CT (Case No. 2024-058)
Summary: Researchers in the Department of Radiological Sciences have developed a machine learning algorithm that processes multispectral photon counting CT data for accurate medical imaging. Background: Photon counting computed tomography (PCCT) is a tremendous engineering advancement, enabling high resolution spectral imaging with myriad applications....
Published: 9/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Matthew Brown, Dieter Enzmann, John Hoffman, Michael Mcnitt-Gray
Keywords(s): AI algorithms, Algorithm, Algorithm Optical Coherence Tomography, algorithmic cancer detection, Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), artificial electromagnetic materials, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence augmentation, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neuron, artificial-intelligent materials, Big Data, Bladder Cancer, blood cancers, Brain cancer, Breast Cancer, Cancer, cancer antigen, cancer detection, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cancer stem cells, cancer target, Computed tomography, CT, Deep Learning, design software, Digital Pathology, generative artificial intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, Histopathological image analysis, Histopathology, histopathology images, hyperparameter optimization, Image Analysis, Image Processing, lympathic cancers, lymphatic cancer, Medical artificial intelligence (AI), Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Cancer Cells, Orthotopic cancer models, Pancreatic cancer, pathology image analysis, Photon counting computed tomography (PCCT), prostate cancer, Radiology, Radiology / Radiomitigation, Software, Software & Algorithms, Software Development Tools, Software-enabled learning
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Data Analytics
Copyright: Smart Histopathological Image Viewer With Guidance Generated by Artificial Intelligence (Case No. 2023-103)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed an AI-guided, smart histopathological image viewer to aid clinicians in the identification of regions of interest. Background: Digital pathology has transformed traditional glass histology slides into high-resolution digital slide images, priming the...
Published: 10/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Xiang Chen, Hongyan Gu, Mohammad Haeri, Shino Magaki
Keywords(s): Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), Artificial Neural Network, Clinical decision support system, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Digital Health, Digital Pathology, Histopathological image analysis, Histopathology, histopathology images, Human-AI collaboration, Human-AI interaction, Medical artificial intelligence (AI), Medical Imaging, pathology image analysis
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Imaging, Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Medical Imaging, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing
Interactive Reporting of Histopathological Image Analysis Performed by Artificial Intelligence (UCLA Case No. 2023-090)
Summary: Researchers from UCLA's Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, along with a researcher from KUMC's Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, have developed an innovative workflow for pathology, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) diagnostics with interactive reporting. Background: The...
Published: 11/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Xiang Chen, Hongyan Gu, Mohammad Haeri, Shino Magaki
Keywords(s): 2. Medical science computing, algorithmic cancer detection, Cancer, cancer detection, Computer Aided Learning, Digital Health, Digital Holography, Digital immunohistology, Digital Pathology, Histology, Histopathological image analysis, Histopathology, Immunohistochemistry
Category(s): Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Medical Imaging, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing
The Growing Role of Digital Pathology and Machine Learning in Cancer Diagnostics (UCLA Case No. 2021-134)
Summary: Researchers at UCLA's Department of Radiological Sciences have developed an active learning methodology for digital pathology image analysis, addressing challenges posed by inconsistent annotations and revolutionizing the training of diagnostic algorithms. Background: The global digital pathology market is anticipated to experience significant...
Published: 8/9/2023   |   Inventor(s): Corey Arnold, Wenyuan Li, Jiayun Li, William Speier
Keywords(s): active learning, Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, artificial-intelligent materials, computational imaging task, convolutional networks, curriculum learning, Deep Learning, deep physical neural network, Digital Pathology, dynamic identification, Histopathological image analysis, histopathology images, Image Processing, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pathology, Medical Devices and Materials, Medical Imaging, noisy annotations, noisy label detection, pathology image analysis
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Electrical > Imaging, Medical Devices > Medical Imaging