Search Results - machine+learning

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Copyright: Large Language Models for Electronic Health Records (Case No. 2024-216)
Intro Sentence: UCLA researchers from the Department of Computational Medicine have developed a novel model for tabulating electronic health records. Background: Electronic Health Records (EHR) provide healthcare systems with insights into health histories. Machine learning models have been developed to use EHR for inference tasks based on specific...
Published: 9/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Chiang, Simon Lee
Keywords(s): Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), clinical decision support, EHR, EHR integration, electronic health records (EHR), Hospital Systems And Devices, lab results analysis, large language model (LLNMs), Machine Learning, machine learning modeling, patient questionnaire, personalized medicine, predictive analytics, specialist referral
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Data Analytics, Software & Algorithms > Programs, Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Hospital Systems
Independent Audit and Assessment Framework for AI Systems
AI systems are increasingly being used in critical applications where safety and reliability are paramount such as health care, autonomous driving, and financial services. Numerous AI systems operate as “black boxes,” meaning a system that processes inputs and produces outputs without revealing how it reaches its conclusions. This makes...
Published: 9/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Siddharth Srivastava, Pulkit Verma
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, PS-Computing and Information Technology, Risk Assessment
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Physical Science
Enhancing Fairness Through Aleatoric Uncertainty
Background In recent years, advancements in machine learning have revolutionized various domains, but concerns about bias and unfairness in automated decision-making systems have gained significant attention. One of the causes of unfairness in AI systems is the reliance on training data. Aleatoric uncertainty refers to the inherent randomness or variability...
Published: 8/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Anique Tahir, Lu Cheng, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology, Intelligence & Security
Artificial Neural Network Train-Time Poison Defense via Energy-Based Model Dynamics Sampling (Case No. 2024-199)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a novel preprocessing algorithm to purify imperceptibly poisoned training datasets that may lead to misclassification and maintain image quality. Background: Large datasets are important for the effectiveness of machine learning models, serving as the...
Published: 8/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Gregory Pottie, Omead Pooladzandi, Sunay Bhat, Jeffrey Jiang
Keywords(s): AI algorithms, Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence augmentation, Automation, Autonomous driving, Big Data, Computer Aided Learning, Data Corruption, Digital Health, Machine Learning, Machine Learning Autonomous Car Gradient Descent
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Platforms > Diagnostic Platform Technologies, Therapeutics > Radiology, Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems, Medical Devices > Neural Stimulation, Mechanical > Sensors
Radio Frequency-Based Gesture Recognition Technique for Human Computer Systems
Background Touchless interaction systems have grown in prevalence in recent years, including gesture-based interaction systems. Gesture recognition forms an integral part of human-computer interaction (HCI) technologies that deal with recognizing various movements of the human body, and interpreting them as commands to interact with a machine. Hand...
Published: 7/31/2024   |   Inventor(s): Georgios Trichopoulos, Bharath Kashyap
Keywords(s): Cyber-Physical System, Electronics, Machine Learning, Medical Device, Mobile Biometrics, Physical Human-Robot Interaction, Rehabilitation Robotics, Sensors, Videogames, Virtual Environment Interaction, Wearable biosensors and apps
Category(s): Physical Science, Wireless & Networking, Computing & Information Technology, Applied Technologies
SEM-O-RAN: Semantic NextG O-RAN Slicing for Data-Driven Edge-Assisted Mobile Applications
SEM-O-RAN uses O-RAN architecture and semantic compression to offload ML tasks to the edge, optimizing network resources and reducing latency. Copy Image URL via instructions below Background The exponential growth in the number of connected devices and the increasingly...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Corrado Puligheddu, Francesco Restuccia, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
Keywords(s): 5G and beyond, 5G Networks, 6G, Deep learning, Machine Learning, Mobile devices, O-RAN, Semantics, Software-defined Networks
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science
Methods for reliable classification of wireless signals
This technology uses AI and neural networks for real-time wireless signal classification, enhancing detection accuracy and compensating for channel distortions by manipulating the waveform before transmission. Background: The constant evolution of networking systems...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Salvatore D'Oro, Tommaso Melodia, Francesco Restuccia
Keywords(s): Deep Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, wireless signals
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > Network communications, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science
Intraoperative Deep Learning Model for Imputation of the Continuous Central Venous Pressure (CVP) and Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP) Waveforms From (Case No. 2024-224)
Summary: Researchers in the UCLA Department of Anesthesiology have developed a deep learning model to accurately represent and visualize hemodynamic waveforms, or blood flow patterns, with minimally invasive approaches. Background: Swan-Ganz (SG) catheters are used for precise cardiac hemodynamic evaluations. Indicated for patients with severe...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Maxime Cannesson, Sungsoo (Danny) Kim, Akos Rudas, Jeffrey Chiang, Ravi Pal
Keywords(s): active learning, Algorithm, algorithm-based testing, arterial blood pressure (ABP), Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), artificial intelligence algorithms, blood cancers, blood flow management, Blood Pressure, Blood Proteins, cardiovascular monitoring, catheter, Catheterization, central venous pressure (CVP), Computer Aided Learning, Continuous blood pressure monitoring, critical care, curriculum learning, Deep Learning, Deep learning-based sensing, deep-learning analysis algorithms, heart failure, hemodynamic monitoring, Machine Learning, non-invasive monitoring, Perceptual Learning, pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), Software & Algorithms, Swan-Ganz catheter
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems
A Method and System for Pre-processing Medical Images (Case No. 2024-177)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a novel pre-processing computer algorithm for automated medical imaging. Background: The integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into medical imaging applications offers significant potential to automate the diagnosis of various...
Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Bahram Jalali, Callen MacPhee, Yiming Zhou, Koichiro Kishima
Keywords(s): 3D ultrasound imaging, Artificial Intelligence, bioimaging, Computer Vision, histopathology images, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging, MRI, X-Ray
Category(s): Diagnostic Markers > Cancer, Diagnostic Markers > Immunology, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing
New Algorithms to Evaluate Online Platform Migration
Background Online platform migration refers to the movement of individuals from one social media platform to another, posing as a significant disruption for companies. When this occurs, digital marketing strategies lose their power and instability grows. Migration can occur for a variety of reasons, including changes in platform ownership or user dissatisfaction....
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ujun Jeong, Paras Sheth, Anique Tahir, Faisal Alatawi, H. Bernard, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Data Mining, Machine Learning, Social Media, Social Media Monitoring
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology, Applied Technologies
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