Search Results - software

202 Results Sort By:
Personalized type 1 diabetes decision support using digital twins
Summary The current technology is the first decision support tool for type 1 diabetes that provides personalized recommendations based on digital twin simulations and accounts for variables such as carbohydrate consumption, exercise, and nighttime risk of hypoglycemia. Technology Overview Managing glucose levels is challenging for individuals with...
Published: 12/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Jacobs, Clara Mosquera-Lopez, Leah Wilson, Gavin Young
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Software
Shared Autonomy for Remote Collaboration
Shared Autonomy for Remote Collaboration (SHARC) enables remote scientists to participate in shipboard operations via a VR or desktop interface. The system coordinates data sharing and planning for remotely operated semi-autonomous robotics with low bandwidth communications constraints. It is particularly useful in complex or hazardous environments...
Published: 1/6/2025   |   Inventor(s): Richard Camilli, Amy Phung, Gideon Billings, Matthew Walter, Andrea Daniele
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Product Types > Marine Vehicles, Product Types > Underwater Communication & Navigation, Product Types > Tools and Equipment
NetSpec: An Automatic And Fast Network Specification Synthesis Toolkit
A specification-by-example toolkit that generates formal network specifications using only input-output examples. Problem: Many modern computer systems run on networks like cloud clusters or distributed systems. However, the network protocols that support the operation and security of these systems are notoriously difficult to debug. Formal network...
Published: 11/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Boon Loo, Haoxian Chen, Mayur Naik, Chenyuan Wu, Mukund Raghothaman
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems
Physical Neural Network for Fast, Scalable, and Power-Efficient Machine Learning Computation
A physical embodiment of a locally-learning neural network, which learns faster than current CPU-based nets. Problem: Machine learning is a ubiquitous tool that has found uses in engineering, science, and medicine. Neural networks are some of the most powerful machine learning algorithms, but they train very slowly when they become large. This hampers...
Published: 10/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Samuel Dillavou, Douglas Durian, Andrea Liu, Menachem (Nachi) Stern, Marc Miskin
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Data Science, Electronic Materials, Internet of Things, Nanotechnology, Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems, Technology Classifications > Hardware & Components
NRN-EZ: An application to streamline biophysical modeling of synaptic integration using NEURON
NRN-EZ is an interactive application that allows NEURON users without extensive programming experience to define complex patterns of synaptic input activation. Background: Modeling software programs such as NEURON are widely used in the neuroscience community to address a broad range of research questions, including how neurons integrate synaptic...
Published: 9/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Annalisa Scimemi, Evan Cobb
Keywords(s): neuron, software, synapic integration, synapse, Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Education and Training, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering
Machine-learning based forecasting of visual field deficits for glaucoma management
Summary The current technology is a machine learning algorithm that can accurately forecast glaucoma-induced visual field deficits and outperforms existing forecasting methods. This technology could allow for more efficient management of glaucoma by reducing the number of office-based visual field assessments. Technology Overview Glaucoma is characterized...
Published: 8/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ashkan Abbasi, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Sowjanya Gowrisankaran, Xubo Song, Bhavna Antony, Gadi (Chaim) Wollstein, Joel Schuman
Keywords(s): Diagnostics, Diagnostics - Other, Software, Software - Diagnostic/Detection
Category(s): Diagnostics, Software
MEDREX (Case No. 2024-244)
Summary: UCLA researchers have developed a new software package to reconcile medication lists between different electronic health records. Background: Reconciliation is a crucial process that ensures patients’ medication lists are accurate. This process is especially important for patients with memory impairments, who may be more vulnerable...
Published: 10/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Li Zhou, Richard Korf, Cindy Liu, Edmond Wen, Advaith Gowrishetty, Jonathan Xu, Nicole Ju
Keywords(s): Software, Software & Algorithms, Software Development Tools, Software-enabled learning
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Programs, Software & Algorithms > Data Analytics
An Adaptive, Language-Agnostic, and Generalizable Method to Determine the Hearing Level and Speech Perception Abilities of a Patient
This hearing test is tuned to a patient’s hearing level and changes based on performance to accurately diagnose hearing ability Problem: Currently, no single hearing evaluation can determine multiple facets of an individual’s hearing ability. For example, some tests may determine hearing awareness at specific frequencies, but gather no data...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jason Brant, Tiffany Hwa
Keywords(s): Aging, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Software, Surgery
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Testing & Measurement
SCALPEL or Secure Compartments Automatically Learned and Protected by Execution Using Lightweight Metadata
SCALPEL is a lightweight optimization tool for automatically compartmentalizing policies for hardware-accelerated enforcement in a tagged architecture. The tool also creates a layer or protection (or hardening) by learning and allowing certain privileges based on learned expectations. Problem: The languages of operating systems, device drivers and embedded...
Published: 8/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andre DeHon, Nicholas Roessler
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Hardware & Components, Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems
CAR: Cloud-Assisted Routing
Background Multi-homing and peering practices, along with the demand for increased routing flexibility, have significantly contributed to the growing complexity in router operations. Operators now expect more programmability from routers, which further challenges traditional router architectures by necessitating the inclusion of software-based designs...
Published: 6/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Murat Yuksel, Tarik Karaoglu
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Information & Communication Technologies
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