Search Results - chemistry

122 Results Sort By:
Continuous Ammonia Production from Air
An integrated system with a cascading plasma electrochemical process to generate ammonia at room temperature and pressure, using water as the proton source, significantly lowering the carbon footprint while providing the highest ammonia production rate among the reported literature. Background: Ammona synthesis is a fundamental reaction for the production...
Published: 9/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yuguang Li, Xiaoli Ge
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Energy, Environment, Featured, Instrumentation, Research Tool, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy, Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Energy, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Instrumentation, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents
Lithium Ion Conducting Polymer Resin for In-Situ Curing of Cathode Binder and Electrolyte Layer for All Solid State Composite Lithium Batteries
Innovative polymer enhances solid-state batteries by improving structure and ion movement, simplifying assembly and boosting performance. Source by By Ryan/ Adobe stock file # 805635617 Background Solid...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sanjeev Mukerjee, Derrick Maxwell, Max Rutman, Luisa Gomes
Keywords(s): Battery, Battery Electrode Binder, Chemistry, Curable Resin, electrochemistry, Electrode, Electrode ink, Energy, Energy Technology, Manufacturing, Materials, Polymer, Solid-state batteries, Solid-state electrolyte
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science
Enhanced Delivery and Efficacy of Antisense Drugs via Covalently Linked Nanodisc Scaffolds
Application A synthetic nanodisc (ND) scaffold for delivering antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) for the treatment of disease. Key Benefits Improved cellular uptake and protein suppression using antisense oligos. Longer ASO half-life compared to other ASO delivery methods. Potential to overcome the delivery and efficacy challenges using ASOs for...
Published: 8/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Khalid Salaita, Radhika Sharma
Keywords(s): Biomaterials, Cardiovascular, Chemistry, Oncology
Category(s): TechPub Algolia > Therapeutics, TechPub Algolia > Drug Discovery, TechPub Algolia > Micro and Nanotechnology
The use of monochromatic x-rays to treat lung infections.
X-ray energy use to remedy viral and/or bacterial infections Inventors: Michael Pravica Pravica: Professor in physics and a member of HiPSEC (High Pressure and Engineering Center). He received his Ph.D. in experimental condensed matter physics in 1998 from Harvard University and a B.S. in physics and applied mathematics in 1988 with honors from the...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pravica
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Life Science - Biology, Life Science - Biotech, Life Science - Health, Sports Performance & Nutrition
Category(s): All
Method for the Stoichiometric recovery of UF4 from UF6 dissolved directrly into ionic liquid
Described herein are methods for recovering uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) from uranium hexafluoride (UF6) by directly dissolving UF6 in ionic liquids and recovering UF4, which can be processed to obtain UO2 (s) or uranium metal. Inventors: David Hatchett Hatchett: His expertise includes Electrochemistry, Materials, Chemical Sensor, Catalysis. On top...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Hatchett, Cassara Higgins
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment - Renewable Energy
Category(s): Chemistry, All
Conversion of Uranium Hexaflouride and Recovery of Uranium from Ionic Liquid (improved method)
Described are methods for the recovery of uranium from uranium hexafluoride dissolved directly into ionic liquids. Inventors: David Hatchett & Kenneth R. Czerwinski Czerwinski: Current projects include speciation of actinides in spent fuel, chemical speciation of actinides in separations, nuclear forensics, and radioelement compounds and material...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Hatchett, Kenneth Czerwinski, Katherine Luebke (formerly Thornock), Cassara Higgins
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Energy & Environment - Renewable Energy
Category(s): All
Thiophosphoric Acids as Novel Organocatalysts and Synthetic Methods of Thiophosphonate derivatives as Pharmaceutical Agents
New organocatalyst that can be used in pharmaceutical drugs, insecticides, and other chemical products. The Invention This invention relates to a new type of chemical catalyst called thiophosphoric acids, which can be used in the production of pharmaceutical agents, insecticides, and other useful compounds. Thiophosphates can be effective in treating...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jun Yong Kang, Jeffrey Ash
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Therapeutics & Drug Delivery - Therapeutic
Category(s): All
Sealable Microvalve That Can Be Repeatedly Opened and Sealed
ink;color: #0000FF;text-decoration: underline; } INV-1243 Background The typical structure for a MEMS microvalve includes an orifice and a moveable plate that can be actuated to press against the orifice. When the plate does not press against the orifice, fluid can flow through the orifice and therefore through the valve. When the plate is pressed...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Carol Livermore, Chenye Yang
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Diagnostics, Environment, Homeland Security, Sensor Technology
Category(s): -Chemistry, -Equipment, -Homeland Security, -Sensors tech, -Health, Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Environmental/Clean tech, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Lab tech/equipment
Piezochromic Materials for Pressure Sensors
­ The Invention: New approach to synthesis. Pyrylium chemistry is a widely available, simpler structure, synthesized more easily compared with other materials. Pyrylium salts represent a class of small organic molecules built on a six-membered cationic heterocyclic structure with one positively charged oxygen ion and a variety of counterions....
Published: 3/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Pradip Bhowmik, Haesook Han, Egor Evlyukhin
Keywords(s): Chemistry
Category(s): All
Synthesizing and investigating novel synthetic cannabidiol congeners for enhanced clinical utility
The Invention: Developed an innovative method to convert caraway-derived (+)-carvone (1, $0.15/g) into (–)- isopiperitenol (3, $1000/g) – a critical intermediate that was previously employed in the synthesis (+)-ent-CBD [(+)-5, Scheme 1]. Of note, this four step process (1 to 3) can be performed on multi-gram scale and relies on the one-pot...
Published: 3/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rochelle Hines, Dustin Hines, William Maio
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Life Science, Life Science - Health, Therapeutics & Drug Delivery, Therapeutics & Drug Delivery - Therapeutic
Category(s): All
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