Search Results - electrochemistry

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Lithium Ion Conducting Polymer Resin for In-Situ Curing of Cathode Binder and Electrolyte Layer for All Solid State Composite Lithium Batteries
Innovative polymer enhances solid-state batteries by improving structure and ion movement, simplifying assembly and boosting performance. Source by By Ryan/ Adobe stock file # 805635617 Background Solid...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sanjeev Mukerjee, Derrick Maxwell, Max Rutman, Luisa Gomes
Keywords(s): Battery, Battery Electrode Binder, Chemistry, Curable Resin, electrochemistry, Electrode, Electrode ink, Energy, Energy Technology, Manufacturing, Materials, Polymer, Solid-state batteries, Solid-state electrolyte
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science
High Voltage Redox Electrolytes for Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitor Performance and Reduced Self-Discharge
Researchers have created a hybrid device that combines the advantages of both batteries and supercapacitors. Background Supercapacitors and batteries are the two leading forms of electrochemical energy storage. Both have unique advantages and can be applied to various applications. Supercapacitors can be charged quickly resulting in very high...
Published: 5/4/2022   |   Inventor(s): Shannon Boettcher, Galen Stucky, Brian Evanko, Nicholas Parker, David Vonlanthen, David Auston, Sang-Eun Chun, Xiulei Ji, Bao Wang, Xingfeng Wang, Raghu Subash Chandrabose
Keywords(s): Advanced Materials, Chemical, Electrochemistry, Inorganic, Materials Science
Category(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Sustainability & Cleantechnologies
Offshore Mobile Platform for Electrochemical Ocean Iron Fertilization & Hydrogen Gas Generation
­An environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution to control global warming Institute Reference: INV-22035 Background The ocean is considered a large sink of atmospheric CO2 since it can uptake 25% of the emitted CO2 by human activities. Ocean iron fertilization (OIF) is one of the several proposed methods to sequestrate atmospheric CO2...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Amir Taqieddin, Akram Alshawabkeh, Ken Buesseler
Keywords(s): carbon dioxide removal, climate change, electrochemistry, Electrode, Energy, Environmentally friendly, hydrogen gas production, iron electrolysis, ocean iron fertilization, oceanographic, phytoplankton
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Environmental/Clean tech