Search Results - cisplatin

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Parental A2780 Ovarian Cancer Cell Line and Derivative Cisplatin-resistant and Adriamycin-resistant A2780 Cell Lines
Abstract: Ovarian cancer is one of the most common and lethal types of gynecological malignancies worldwide, accounting for approximately 295,000 new cases and 185,000 deaths annually. The high lethality rate is due to multiple reasons, including recurrence and the resistance of recurrent tumors to chemotherapy. Cell line models are crucial for preclinical...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stuart Aaronson, Nelson Ellmore
Keywords(s): A2780, Aaronson, adriamycin, CISPLATIN, drug resistance, IRRADIATION, Melphalan, OVARIAN CANCER, VINBLASTINE
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Application > Research Materials
Customized Telodendrimer Nanocarriers for Targeted Drug Delivery for Disease Treatments
A suite of nanocarrier technologies that provide targeted drug delivery of hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs to specific disease sites. Background: Delivery of therapeutic and diagnostic compounds is limited by the lack of efficient carriers to improve in vivo stability, selectivity as well as to reduce immunogenicity. Conventional nanocarrier design...
Published: 9/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Juntao Luo, Dandan Guo, Changying Shi
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, affinity alkylating agent, autoimmune, autoimmune disease, bioactivity, biocompatible, biomaterials, chemical formulation, chemistry, cisplatin, combintorial conjugated dendrimer, dendritic drug delivery, drug delivery component, drug formulation, Featured, graft rejection, hydrophilic drug, hydrophobic drug, immune modulating, immunogenicity inflammation, inflammatory, inflammatory, inflammatory, inflammatory, inflammatory response, inflammatory response, intracellular delivery, methotrexate, moieties, nanocarriers, nanomedicine, nanoparticle, nanoparticle drug delivery, nanoparticle-enhanced delivery, nanotherapy, polyethylene glycol, polymyxin, targeted biologics delivery, targeted delivery, targeted drug delivery, targeted therapeutic delivery, targeting drug, Technologies, therapeutic drug, topoisomerase, vitamin E
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Drug Delivery, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Campus > Upstate Medical University
Advancement in Platinum Based Cancer Therapeutics
Project ID: D2014-33Novelty: Small drug like molecules that inhibits DNA repair factors for cisplatin (and other platinum based drugs) resistance towards solid tumors, thereby increasing cisplatin cytotoxicity and efficacy. Value proposition: One of the limitations of chemotherapy in ovarian cancer is the innate/acquired drug resistance in cancer cells....
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Paul Erhardt, Stephan Patrick, Christopher Trabbic
Keywords(s): Cisplatin, Clinical Trials, DNA Repair, Ovarian Cancer, Platinum
Category(s): Oncology, Tools