Search Results - automotive

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Lithium-7-Powered Nuclear Fission Subcritical Reactor: Safe Nuclear Power
A lithium-based fission reactor that generates safe, clean electricity while reducing the amount of discarded lithium batteries that end up in landfills. Background: Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, have still failed to replace coal, oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, despite decades of technology development...
Published: 6/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Matthew Szydagis
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, aerospace, applied physics, atomic power, automotive, chemistry, clean energy, climate change, dark matter WIMPs, energy, engineering, environment, experimental physics, green energy, heating, ion beam physics, lithium ion battery, materials science and engineering, nuclear physics, physics, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Energy, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy
Identify Targeted Attacks on Deep RL-Based Autonomous Driving
In the rapidly advancing landscape of deep reinforcement learning (RL), recent studies have highlighted vulnerabilities in control policies learned through deep RL. These vulnerabilities raise concerns surrounding adversarial attacks, especially in risk-sensitive domains such as autonomous driving. In these scenarios, the learned policies become susceptible...
Published: 12/5/2023   |   Inventor(s): Prasanth Buddareddygari, Travis Zhang, Yezhou Yang, Yi Ren
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Automotive, Cyber Security, Detection, Machine Learning, PS-Computing and Information Technology
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Intelligence & Security, Physical Science
Safety-Guaranteed Driving Control of Automated Vehicles
­Advanced vehicle control systems (e.g., an electronic stability control system) can greatly reduce accident rates and fatality in accidents. Vehicle control systems in automated vehicles (AVs) are able to ensure vehicle safety in many driving scenarios by cooperating with other advanced perception and path planning systems of the AVs. A typical...
Published: 3/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yan Chen, Yiwen Huang
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Automotive, PS-Computing and Information Technology
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology
The MSU Autonomous Vehicle Simulator (MAVS)
Overview of technology Simulator software for testing ground vehicle autonomy systems in off-road and environmental conditions. Background of technology As software and sensors that enable autonomous navigation in ground vehicles become more complex, so does the task of testing these systems for safety and reliability. A vital part of autonomous...
Published: 8/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chris Goodin
Keywords(s): Automotive
Category(s): Auto & Transportation, Software
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System
Project ID: ENG00204 Novelty: This invention provides both a combined battery/ultracapacitor energy storage system and battery chargers associated with these systems. First, it combines an ultracapacitor with a battery to optimally power both high current surges and more constant demands. The ultracapacitor provides the high current power, thereby...
Published: 5/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Stuart, Cyrus Ashtiani
Keywords(s): Automotive, Battery, Charging, Energy Storage, Hybrid Vehicle, Ultracapacitor
Category(s): Electrical
Computer-controlled embroidery design and stitching for Precision Control of Tensile Properties of woven textiles
Computer-controlled embroidery algorithms allow for custom design and control properties of fabrics and woven materials. Embroidery changes the mechanical properties of frabrics, depending on the strength, orientation, and distribution of stitches. The production of fabrics with multiple, distinct properties traditionally requires the assembly of layers...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Victor Zordan, Ella Moore, Michael Porter, Ioannis Karamouzas
Keywords(s): Automotive, Orthopaedics - Orthotics/Prosthetics/Hardware/Other, Textiles/Fibers - Non-Optical/Medical/Other
Category(s): Fiber & Films
Electrochemical Pressure Sensor
Pressure/force sensors and transducers have wide utility in mechanical, medical and industrial applications, with each industry striving for increased performance. Three key features determine how successful a pressure sensor may be: sensitivity, durability, and cost. Because of their robust and inexpensive nature, transformative electrochemical pressure/force...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey LaBelle, Austin Feldman, Mary Siuba, Ross Carlton, Jeffrey Andrade
Keywords(s): Automotive, Bio-Technology, Brain and Machine Interface, Detection, Device, Flexible electronics, Sensors, Transplantation, Vascular
Category(s): Chemical/Biological Sensors, Life Science (All LS Techs), Medical Devices
Twistron Mechanical Energy Harvesters
Mechanical energy harvesters are needed for diverse applications, including self-powered wireless sensors, structural and human health monitoring systems, automotive technologies, and the extraction of energy from ocean waves. Until now, few harvesters have been flexible enough to be used as yarns in textiles, and the performance of such yarns has been...
Published: 6/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shi Hyeong Kim, Carter Haines, Na Li, Keon Jung Kim, Tae Jin Mun, Changsoon Choi, Jiangtao Di, Shaoli Fang, Seon Jeong Kim, Ray Baughman
Keywords(s): Automotive, Carbon Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Electronics, Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Renewable Energy, Sensors & Controls, Textiles, Wireless
Category(s): Nanotechnology
High Torque Density Switched Reluctance Motors
Applications like aerospace, automotive and robotics require high torque to volume/weight ratio machines. Permanent Magnet Machines have been considered to be the sole candidates, however, the limitation of the operational temperature, relatively high price, and unstable overseas supply of permanent magnet material limits its massive applications. There...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Babak Fahimi, Wei Wang, Chenjie Lin, Mehdi Moallem, Mohammadali Abbasian
Keywords(s): Automotive, Devices, Energy, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Industrial & Manufacturing, Motors, Robotics, Transportation
Category(s): Mechanical Systems
Sustainable, Self-Healing Coatings (2013-065)
This self-healing polymer coating inhibits corrosion of metal iron substrates while extending the life of coated materials. Self-healing materials are an emerging and promising market, expected to reach a market value of $2.7 billion by 2020. The concept of self-healing materials is to enable materials to repair damage with minimum intervention. Current...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Marek Urban, Ying Yang
Keywords(s): Automotive, Coatings, Polymers/Composites, Sustainable Construction
Category(s): Advanced Materials
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