Search Results - climate+change

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Lithium-7-Powered Nuclear Fission Subcritical Reactor: Safe Nuclear Power
A lithium-based fission reactor that generates safe, clean electricity while reducing the amount of discarded lithium batteries that end up in landfills. Background: Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, have still failed to replace coal, oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, despite decades of technology development...
Published: 6/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Matthew Szydagis
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, aerospace, applied physics, atomic power, automotive, chemistry, clean energy, climate change, dark matter WIMPs, energy, engineering, environment, experimental physics, green energy, heating, ion beam physics, lithium ion battery, materials science and engineering, nuclear physics, physics, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Energy, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy
Offshore Mobile Platform for Electrochemical Ocean Iron Fertilization & Hydrogen Gas Generation
­An environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution to control global warming Institute Reference: INV-22035 Background The ocean is considered a large sink of atmospheric CO2 since it can uptake 25% of the emitted CO2 by human activities. Ocean iron fertilization (OIF) is one of the several proposed methods to sequestrate atmospheric CO2...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Amir Taqieddin, Akram Alshawabkeh, Ken Buesseler
Keywords(s): carbon dioxide removal, climate change, electrochemistry, Electrode, Energy, Environmentally friendly, hydrogen gas production, iron electrolysis, ocean iron fertilization, oceanographic, phytoplankton
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Environmental/Clean tech
Heat and Drought Tolerant Rice Varieties
Heat- and drought-tolerant rice varieties are under development by University of Arizona researchers under real-world conditions in Arizona and other similar stressful environments. This technology is a development of new rice varieties designed for low rainfall areas and is based on field condition evaluations and not a simulated greenhouse environment. ...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Paulino Sanchez
Keywords(s): climate change, drought and heat tolerance, Oryza meridionalis, rice germplasm enhancement, wild rice
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Horticulture, Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Horticulture > Plant Breeds, Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Horticulture > Plant Breeds > Plants-nonGMO