Search Results - rxxxxx

53 Results Sort By:
Longer-lived Mouse Models for Studying Gaucher Disease
The invention is a novel longer-lived mouse model for Gaucher disease. Gaucher disease is a genetic disorder that results from deficiencies in the enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GBA). The use of animal models to study how the disease progresses has been invaluable in research of this disorder. However, existing mouse models have been limited due to early...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mary Lamarca, Edward Ginns
Category(s): Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Consumer Products, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology
Prematurely-Graying Mouse Line Demonstrates Regulation of Melanocyte Stem Cell Development by SOX10 (Sry-Related HMG-Box) Transcription Factor for Use in Regenerative Medicine
This technology includes transgenic mice to be used in the study of melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) for utilization in regenerative medicine. Using the melanocyte system as a model, we investigated establishment of MSCs in the hair bulge - the stem cell compartment of the hair. During embryogenesis, all melanoblasts express SOX10, but this expression is...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Melissa Harris, William ("Bill") Pavan
Keywords(s): Cell, Demonstrates, Development, factor, HMG-Box, Line, Listed LPM Maddox as of 4/15/2015, Melanocyte, Mouse, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Prematurely-Graying, REGULATION, RXXXXX, SOX10, Sry-Related, Stem, transcription, VPXXXX, WIXXXX, XEXXXX
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology, Application > Therapeutics
Murine Model of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C
This technology includes a transgenic mouse model of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C (NPC), which is a rare neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by intracellular accumulation of cholesterol and gangliosides. The mouse strain, Tg(Npcl), expresses wild-type NPC1 gene under the control of the prion promoter. When combined with the NPC deficient mouse...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stacie Loftus, William ("Bill") Pavan
Keywords(s): C, Disease, Listed LPM Maddox as of 4/15/2015, Model, Murine, NIEMANN-PICK, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, RXXXXX, VEXXXX, VHXXXX, VNXXXX, VPXXXX, WIXXXX, WKXXXX, XEXXXX
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, TherapeuticArea > Psychiatry/Mental Health, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, TherapeuticArea > Neurology, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology
Mouse Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) and Vascular Abnormalities (G608G) mutated form of human LNMA) for Therapeutic Development
Children with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) suffer from acceleration of certain aging symptoms, mainly cardiovascular disease that generally leads to death from myocardial infarction and/or stroke. The cause of HGPS has been discovered to be a de novo point mutation in lamin A (LNMA) gene. NHGRI Scientist have generated a transgenic...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Francis Collins, Maria Eriksson, Renee Varga, Michael Erdos
Keywords(s): Abnormalities, HGPS, Hutchinson-Gilford, Listed LPM Maddox as of 4/15/2015, Model, Mouse, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Progeria, RXXXXX, Syndrome, vascular, VEXXXX, VPXXXX, XEXXXX
Category(s): Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, TherapeuticArea > Neurology
Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines with a Specific Allele of ABCA7 Gene for the Screening of Small Molecules for Therapeutic Development
This technology includes lymphoblastoid cell lines from individuals genotyped as carrying the minor (G) allele of ABCA7 SNP rs113809142 [ss491752998; SNV-chr19-1007244], to be used for small molecule screening and eventual therapeutic development. The ABCA7 gene is the ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 7. It encodes a protein that is...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): James ("Jim") Mullikin, Jennifer Johnston, Leslie Biesecker
Keywords(s): ABCA7, ALLELE, Cell, Gene, Lines, Listed LPM Contreras as of 4/15/2015, Lymphoblastoid, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, RXXXXX, Specific, VHXXXX, VPXXXX, WIXXXX, WJXXXX, XEXXXX
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Floxed Targeted Mouse Strain for Use in Conditional Deletion of the Irf8 Gene
IRF8, a member of interferon regulatory factor (IRF) family of transcription factors is a novel intrinsic transcriptional inhibitor of TH17-cell differentiation. TH17-cells are believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of various autoimmune/inflammatory diseases. These materials could be used to help define patterns of gene expression important for...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Herbert Morse
Keywords(s): Approved, Conditional, Deletion, Design, Development, Gene, Generate, IRF8, Knockout, Listed LPM Vepa as of 4/15/2015, Mouse, Need, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, RECOGNIZED, RXXXXX, Strain, Used
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials
WR (Western Reserve) Strain of Vaccinia Virus with K151E Mutation in A34R Gene
Mutation in gene A34R can regulate the release of progeny virions from the surface of parental cells.
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rafael Blasco, Bernard Moss
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Vaccines, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Regulator of G Protein Signaling (RGS13) Knock-Out Mouse
RGS13, an intracellular protein in mast cells, was shown to suppress IgE-mediated anaphylactic response in mice. The RGS13-/- mouse may be used to screen compounds that inhibit mast cell degranulation.
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Zhi Hui (Sherry) Xie, Kirk Druey
Keywords(s): Anaphylactic, Cells, IGE-MEDIATED, Intracellutar, Knockout, Listed LPM Maddox as of 4/15/2015, MAST, Mice, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Protein, RESPONSE, RGS13, RM, RXXXXX, Suppresses, That, WIXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials
Regulators of G Protein Signalling (RGS) 1,3,4,5 & 13 cDNAs
Plasmids encode regulators of G protein signalling (RGS).
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eric Johnson, Kendall Blumer, John Kehrl, Veronica Kang, Kirk Druey
Keywords(s): &, 1, 13, 3, 4, 5, Listed LPM Maddox as of 4/15/2015, PLASMID, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, RGS, RM, RXXXXX, WIXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials
Immunological Detection of Free Radicals In Animals and In Vitro
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) is an universal, specific tool for the detection of free radicals in biological systems. Its application to the investigation of free radicals from whole animals, organs, and cells has been made possible by the spin-trapping technique. In a Spin-trapping experiment, a spin trap such as DMPO (5,5-dimetryl-1-pyrroline N-oxide)...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Charles Detweiler, Ronald Mason
Keywords(s): Animals, Detection, FREE, IMMUNOLOGICAL, Listed LPM Vepa as of 4/15/2015, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Radicals, RXXXXX, Vitro
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials
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