Search Results - tissue+engineering

36 Results Sort By:
Highly Elastic Biomaterial Development for the Lower Urinary Tract (UCLA Case No. 2024-060)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Departments of Urology and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering have developed biomimetic, elastic biomaterial for use in urinary tract reconstruction. Background: Lower urinary tract (LUT) reconstructions have a high failure rate leading to complications including urinary tract infections and leakage. There is...
Published: 3/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Renea Sturm, Nasim Annabi
Keywords(s): biodegradable, Biomaterial, bladder, elastin, lower urinary tract (LUT), surgical tool, suturable biomaterial, Tissue Engineering, tissue regeneration, urethra, urinary tract reconstruction
Category(s): Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Surgical Tools
2022-067 Multiwell Plate-Based Flow Culture for Improving the Quality of 3D Tissues
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering have developed a simple, innovative method for growing 3D cell cultures with improved organoid differentiation and reduced hypoxia-induced cell death. TITLE: Multiwell Plate-Based Flow Culture for Improving the Quality of 3D Tissues Background: 3D tissue culture,...
Published: 4/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Neil Lin, Marie Payne
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, Biofilm, Biomaterial 3D Printing, Biomedical Engineering, Cancer, cancer detection, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cell and tissue culture, Cell Culture, Cellular agriculture, Cultured meat, iPS/stem cells, Laminar flow, Microwell plates, organogenesis, Organoids, Personalized Pharmacotherapy, Pharmaceutical testing, Stem Cells / Regenerative Medicine, Tissue (Biology), tissue detection, Tissue Engineering, Tissue sedimentation
Category(s): Life Science Research Tools > Lab Equipment, Life Science Research Tools, Diagnostic Markers, Diagnostic Markers > Targets And Assays, Therapeutics, Therapeutics > Oncology
2023-102 A Dynamic Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Organoid, Spheroid, 3D Cell Aggregate Manufacturing
Summary: UCLA and University of Connecticut researchers have engineered a novel liquid-crystal-based biomaterial with a simple fabrication process for organoid, spheroid and 3D cell aggregate manufacturing that enables rapid cell growth. Background: The current waiting list for people who need a lifesaving organ transplant is over 100,000 cases...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Paul Weiss, Amir Nasajpour, Ali Tamayol, Mohamadmahdi Samandari
Keywords(s): 3D biofabrication, 3D Printing, Biocompatibility, biocompatible, Biomaterial 3D Printing, biomedical implantation, Cell and tissue culture, Cell Culture, cell-extracellular matrix (ECM), cellular aggregates, Cellular agriculture, Cholesterol, cholesteryl ester liquid crystals (CLCs), Cultured meat, Electrode 3D Printing, liquid crystal, liquid crystal nanofibers, mesogens, Organ Transplant, organogenesis, scaffolds, self-assemble, Stem Cells / Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Chemical, Chemical > Polymers, Materials, Materials > Functional Materials, Life Science Research Tools, Life Science Research Tools > Research Methods, Life Science Research Tools > Other Reagents, Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Surgical Tools, Therapeutics, Therapeutics > Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine > Ips Stem Cells
Myocardial In Vitro Platform for Drug Development and Cardiotoxicity Screening
This myocardial in vitro screening platform provides relevant physiological stimuli enabling analysis of output metrics with direct clinical relevance to cardiac function. While drug discovery is robust and well-funded, a very low percentage of experimental drug candidates reach the marketplace as FDA-approved therapies. This translates into billions...
Published: 8/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): William Richardson, Samuel Coeyman, Jonathan Heywood
Keywords(s): Analytical/Diagnostics/Instru./Sensors-Medical/Biological, Biomaterials - Cardiovascular, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Drugs/Pharma - Antibiotics, Drugs/Pharma - Drug Delivery, Drugs/Pharma - HIV/Cancer/Other, Medical Device, Molecular Therapies, Oncology/Cancer, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Biomedical Sciences
Efficient and Non-Genotoxic Gene Transfer System for Stem Cells
Comparison of efficiency and toxicity of transfection reagents carrying different amounts of DNA for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These cells are primary cells and considered hard-to-transfect. Panel A shows the transfection efficiency of “Rutgers Transfection System” in comparison to the five most widely used commercially available reagents;...
Published: 5/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Arash Hatefi, Xuguang Chen, Alireza Nomani
Keywords(s): Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Research Tools, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics
UCLA researchers in the Department of Bioengineering have developed a novel combinational library of biomimetic hydrogels that aids in the more advanced screening for precision medicine.BACKGROUND Drug screening utilizing advanced 3D cell culture is rapidly growing in the biotech industry for its more accurate representation of human physiology...
Published: 9/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Stephanie Seidlits, Jesse Liang, Alireza Sohrabi
Keywords(s): Biomedical Engineering, Drug Development Feature Extraction, Polymer, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Life Science Research Tools > Screening Libraries, Diagnostic Markers > Targets And Assays
Rapid Cell Assembly for 3D Culture
A. Schematic diagram showing the self-assembly of a spheroid. B. Schematic showing transplantation of spheroids for the repair/regeneration of spinal cord Invention Summary: 3D cell culture including organoid and spheroid cultures is at the center stage of biomedical research. It is widely applied in organ development research, disease modeling,...
Published: 9/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ki-Bum Lee, Christopher Rathnam, Letao Yang
Keywords(s): Bioengineering scaffolds, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
Injectable Cell-Derived Therapeutic to Stimulate Tissue Regeneration or Healing
Delivers Therapeutically Active Enhanced Secretome to Damaged Tissue to Promote Tissue RegenerationThis injectable minimally invasive treatment delivers enhanced secretome harvested from electrically stimulated cells to damaged tissue, thereby promoting tissue regeneration noninvasively. Biological cells and tissues produce a variety of proteins and...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Christine Schmidt, Sahba Mobini
Keywords(s): electrical stimulation, Hydrogel, regenerative medicine, secretome, Therapeutic Application, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics
Self-oxygen generating biomaterials for large tissue engineering
Organ transplantation continues to increase, with 34,770 transplants performed in the US in 2017. Currently, organ transplantation is limited by donor dependence, high costs, and, long-term use of immunosuppressive medications which, in turn, correlates with significant morbidity and mortality. To overcome these limitations, tissue engineering and transplantation...
Published: 3/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Iman Noshadi
Keywords(s): Biomaterials, Electrolyte, Energy Storage, Hydrogels, Oxygenation, Regenerative Medicine, Scaffold, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering , Transplant
Category(s): Human Health Care > Biomaterials
A novel sealant device that aids in stem cell localization in the treatment of lower back pain
TechnologyOne of the major causes of lower back pain is intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration also known as lumbar degenerative disc disease which often leads to disk herniation. IVD results from the dehydration of the central nucleus pulposus (NP) which ultimately alters the biomechanics of the disc and eventually causes tears to form in the peripheral...
Published: 2/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andrea Vernengo, Thomas Christiani, Cristina Iftode, Jennifer Kadlowec
Keywords(s): Back Pain, Biomaterials, Hydrogels, Implant, Polymers, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Human Health Care > Biomaterials, Human Health Care > Medical Devices, Human Health Care > Therapeutics
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