Search Results - electrical

136 Results Sort By:
Optically gated field emission cathodes
VALUE PROPOSITION Electron beam-based devices are critical to applications such as particle accelerators, high-power electromagnetic sources ranging from microwave to X-rays, vacuum electronic devices, e-beam lithography, electron microscopy, space-vehicle neutralization and emerging vacuum nanodevices. They are key elements in telecommunication systems,...
Published: 9/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peng Zhang, Lan Jin, Yang Zhou
Category(s): Electrical
Liquid Metal Printing Technique via Optical Maskless Lithography (Case No. 2024-031)
Summary: Researchers in the UCLA Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a facile, rapid method to print soft, wearable electronics. Background: Soft electrical circuits have garnered significant interest in a broad range of emerging technologies, including wearable electronics, brain-machine interfaces, and soft robotics....
Published: 9/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ximin He, Dong Wu
Keywords(s): Coating, Coatings, Adhesives, & Inks, Electronics & Semiconductors, Fabrication Technologies, gallium-based liquid metals, General Device Coatings, Liquid metal particles, liquid metals, Metals, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Polymer, Polymers, scalable fabrication, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, soft electrical circuits, soft electronics, wearable electronics, wearable sensors
Category(s): Chemical, Chemical > Polymers, Chemical > Coatings, Adhesives & Inks, Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical > Sensors, Electrical > Instrumentation, Electrical > Flexible Electronics, Materials, Materials > Fabrication Technologies, Materials > Composite Materials, Materials > Metals
Feedback-Free Relays for Future 5G, 6G and mmWave Networks (Case No. 2024-188)
Summary: Researchers in the Department of Computer Science have developed a novel relay system to increase the range of 5G and 6G wireless networks. Background: Advances in high-speed computing have created emerging technologies like telesurgery, robotic automation, and augmented reality that have wide-ranging applications in many fields. These...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Omid Abari, Tianxiang Li, Mohammad Hossein Mazaheri Kalahrody
Keywords(s): Antennas/Wireless, Duplex (Telecommunications), Electrical, Electrical Engineering, electrically small antennas (ESAs), energy-efficient wireless communication, self-powered wireless sensor solutions, signal decoding, Signal Processing, Signal-To-Noise Ratio, Telecom & Data, Telecommunication, Wireless, wireless capsule endoscopy, wireless communication, wireless connectivity, wireless energy harvesting, Wireless LAN LTE (Telecommunication), Wireless Sensor Network, wireless spectrum
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Signal Processing, Electrical > Wireless, Electrical > Wireless > Antennas
A Self-Assembled Implantable Microtubular Pacemaker for Wireless Cardiac Electrotherapy (Case No. 2024-059)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Bioengineering have developed a novel implantable microtubular pacemaker for reliable and comfortable pacing for patients with arrythmias. Background: Cardiac pacemakers are essential devices used to manage abnormal heart rhythms, or arrythmias, by sending electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat...
Published: 9/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tzung Hsiai, Shaolei Wang
Keywords(s): arrhythmia, Cardiac Electrophysiology, cardiovascular monitoring, central venous pressure (CVP), Continuous blood pressure monitoring, critical care, heart failure, hemodynamic monitoring, image signal processing, implantable sensors, medical device cardiac monitoring, non-invasive monitoring, pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), wearable
Category(s): Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems, Electrical, Electrical > Flexible Electronics, Medical Devices > Hospital Systems, Medical Devices > Cardiac
Securing Camera and Photography Systems From Deepfakes by Verifying Provenance and Reducing Attack Surfaces (Case No. 2024-270)
Summary: Researchers in the UCLA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a multi-layer security framework to verify deepfake imagery data. Background: The exponential improvements in generative AI pose serious implication to the rise of synthetic media or “deepfakes”. Soon, deepfake images and videos will be...
Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Vilesov, Achuta Kadambi, Yuan Tian, Nader Sehatbakhsh
Keywords(s): AI image security, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence algorithms, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neuron, artificial-intelligent materials, attack surface reduction, data security, Deep Learning, Deep learning-based sensing, deep physical neural network, deepfake, deepfake protection, deep-learning analysis algorithms, deep-learning fake (deepfake), generative artificial intelligence, image authenticity verification, image provenance, image signal processing, Medical artificial intelligence (AI), social media, third-party verification
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Software & Algorithms > Security & Privacy, Electrical, Electrical > Visual Computing, Electrical > Visual Computing > Video Processing
Low-Latency Trellis Decoder (Case No. 2024-171)
Summary: UCLA researchers have developed a new algorithm to rapidly decode transmitted data packets with low latency. Background: Convolutional codes (CCs) are used extensively in wireless communication systems to improve data transmission reliability over noisy signals. CCs must be decoded following transmission to be accurately interpreted by receiving...
Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Wesel, Amaael Antonini, Wenhui Sui
Keywords(s): AI algorithms, Algorithm, assistive communication, Cloud Computing, Communication & Networking, Communications Satellite, Convolutional codes, decoders, decoding algorithm, digital networks, energy-efficient wireless communication, graphics processing units, high-speed communications, IoT communication, low latency computing, Optical networks, parallel computing, quantum communication, scalable communication, signal decoding, Software & Algorithms, tail-biting convolutional codes, Telecommunication, trellis decoding, trellis diagrams, Viterbi Algorithm, wireless communication
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Signal Processing, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Communication & Networking
Electrically Gated Solid-State Molecular Thermal Transistor (Case No. 2024-099)
Summary: UCLA researchers have introduced a solid-state thermal transistor that achieves groundbreaking performance and facilitates improved heat flow manipulation. Background: The forefront of thermal management is marked by the exploration of molecular thermal transistors, driven by the quest for more efficient electronic devices. Researchers are...
Published: 7/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yongjie Hu, Paul Weiss, Man Li
Keywords(s): ; self-assembled molecule, Composite Material, Doping (Semiconductor), Elastic Modulus Thermal Grease, Electronics & Semiconductors, field-effect transistors (FETs), Functional Materials, heat control, heat controlling devices, infrared thermal imaging, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, molecular design, molecular engineering, molecular junction, Nanomaterials, Optoelectronic materials, Optomechanical Thermal Imaging Transducer, organic field effect transistors, Organic Semiconductor, phase change materials, Rechargeable Battery Thermal Conductivity, self-assembled molecule, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, solid-state thermal transistor, strength-thermal stability, switching reversibility, thermal circuit, thermal compression bonding, thermal conductance, Thermal Energy Storage, thermal fusion, thermal imaging, thermal management systems, thermal stability, thermal switching speed, thermal switching speeds, thermal transistor, Thin-Film Transistor, Transistor, transistors, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment > Energy Generation, Energy & Environment > Energy Storage, Energy & Environment > Energy Transmission, Energy & Environment > Thermal, Electrical > Instrumentation, Materials, Materials > Nanotechnology
Bringing Millimeter Wave Technology to Any IOT Device (Case No. 2023-280)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Computer Science have developed a novel method of enabling any existing Internet of Things (IoT) device to operate at higher frequencies of the wireless spectrum. Background: The growing presence of smart devices that can communicate, sense, and process data places demands on current wireless networks....
Published: 8/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mohammad Hossein Mazaheri Kalahrody, Joerg Widmer, Domenico Giustiniano, Rafael Ruiz, Omid Abari
Keywords(s): BLE, Communication & Networking, Communications Satellite, device enhancement, downlink, Electrical, Electrical Brain Stimulation, Electrical Breakdown, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Impedance, Electrical Load, Electrical Load Equation Of State, Electrical Resistance And Conductance, Electrical Resistivity And Conductivity, electrically small antennas (ESAs), electrically-mediated sensing, energy efficient IoT, energy-efficient wireless communication, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT communication, IoT connectivity, LoRa, low-power device, Network Analysis (Electrical Circuits), operating range, Optical Communication , power conversion efficiency, quantum communication, RGID, scalable communication, smart connectivity, smart technology, strength-electrical conductivity, Telecommunication, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, uplink, WiFi, wireless communication, wireless connectivity, wireless spectrum
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Wireless, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Communication & Networking
All-Optical Phase Conjugation Using Diffractive Wavefront Processing (Case No. 2024-104)
Intro Sentence: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a novel method for all-optical phase conjugation to correct phase aberrations for various applications, including laser beam focusing and optical communications. Background: Distortion of wavefronts causes deviation from its ideal shape through...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Aydogan Ozcan, Jingxi Li, Che-Yung Shen
Category(s): Optics & Photonics, Electrical, Electrical > Signal Processing, Electrical > Instrumentation, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors
Chee Wei Wong Technology Portfolio
Parametrically Driven Intertial Sensing in Chip-Scale Optomechanical Cavities at the Thermodynamical Limits with Extended Dynamic Range (Case No. 2023-282) UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a novel optomechanical accelerometer system with an integrated optical feedback system. This accelerometer...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chee Wei Wong
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Signal Processing, Electrical > Sensors, Electrical > Wireless, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors > Thermoelectrics, Optics & Photonics
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