Search Results - nanotechnology

151 Results Sort By:
Super-resolution Optical Imaging
VALUE PROPOSITION Conventional microscopes rely on making a spatial measurement of light, which are diffraction limited. Traditional scanning microscopy approaches obtain a spatial image by scanning across known locations. The wavelength of light becomes the limiting factor in achieving better spatial resolution. It would be advantageous to have a...
Published: 9/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elad Harel
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Photonics, Test and Measurement
Process for Plasma Functionalizing of Graphene
Immersion in DI Water. A = C4F8 treated, B = O2 treated, C is Raw graphene Executive Summary Graphene has remained an attractive material due to its excellent intrinsic mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. However, due to the chemically inert nature of the basal plane, significant engineering and/or chemical treatments of graphene are needed...
Published: 6/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tyler Johnson, Andre Lee, Qi Hua Fan
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Chemicals, Manufacturing Equipment, Nanotechnology
Ultra-Stable Printing using Aqueous Complex Coacervates
­ ­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES Green printing Encapsulation, delivery, remediation, and sensing in food and personal care industries, for drug and gene delivery, and as underwater adhesives PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Purely aqueous processing without the need for any organic solvents Printed coacervate materials...
Published: 3/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jessica Schiffman, Sarah Perry, Xiangxi Meng
Category(s): Material science, Nanotechnology, Chemicals, Engineering
Noncationic Nucleic Acid-Polymer Complexes for Nucleic Acid Delivery
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESNoncationic nucleic acid-polymer complexes for nucleic acid deliveryNucleic acid-polymer complexation kits for nucleic acid encapsulation and intracellular deliveryNovel polymers for nucleic acid delivery with substantially reduced cytotoxicityPRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESCOMPETITIVE ADVANTAGESAn efficient nucleic acid delivery system with...
Published: 10/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sankaran Thayumanavan
Category(s): Biotechnology, Healthcare, Nanotechnology, Life Sciences, Therapeutics & prevention
­APPLICATIONS Applications include pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other areas where brain-inspired computing paradigms are beneficial. APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES Advantages include their low power consumption, high density integration, non-volatility, and compatibility with existing semiconductor...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Mark McLean, Qing Wu
Category(s): Devices, Computers, Communications & internet, Devices & sensors, Electronics, Engineering, Nanotechnology
Expanded Graphite Reinforced Shaped Polymer Composites
Executive Summary Polymeric composites are used in a myriad of applications including automotive, aerospace, industrial and consumer markets. Balancing properties such as weight, cost, mechanical and electrical properties is key to developing a successful product. MSU researchers have developed an inexpensive method of preparing a shaped polymer composite...
Published: 6/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lawrence Drzal, Hiroyuki Fukushima
Keywords(s): Carbon Nanotubes, Composites, Electrodes, Expanded Graphite, Graphene, Graphite Nanoplatelets
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials
Compatibilized Polymer / Expanded Graphite Materials
Executive Summary The addition of graphene nanoplatelets to polymers can simultaneously improve multiple physical properties when added to polymers. Unfortunately, graphene nanoplatelets do not interact well with some polymers, such as polyolefins, thus requiring excessive amounts to be added. MSU researchers have developed a new compatibilizer that...
Published: 6/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lawrence Drzal, Xian Jiang
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology
Conductive Circuits by Microcontact Printing of Graphene Nanoplatelets
Executive Summary Photolithography is a standard method of forming electronic circuits in electronic devices. However, in some cases, this can be a expensive step in the fabrication process. MSU researchers have developed an inexpensive method of creating thin films with conductive surfaces using a combination of polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) coating...
Published: 6/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ilsoon Lee, Troy Hendricks, Jue Lu, Lawrence Drzal
Category(s): Electrical, Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology
Polymers with High Barrier, Thermal and Electrical Conductivity
Executive Summary Conductive polymers are used in a variety of applications including packaging and electronics. MSU researchers have developed an inexpensive method of preparing conductive polymers containing graphene nanoplatelets produced by microwave methods from exfoliated graphite, that have excellent mechanical, barrier, thermal and electrical...
Published: 6/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lawrence Drzal, Hiroyuki Fukushima
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, Packaging
Carbon Supported Metal Catalyst
Executive Summary Metal based catalysts are used in a myriad of applications in chemical processing, waste exhaust treatment and others. The metals themselves can be extremely expensive and thus optimizing their effectiveness while minimizing use is critical. MSU researchers have developed a new method for producing nanoparticles of noble and transition...
Published: 6/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lawrence Drzal, Inhwan Do, Hiroyuki Fukushima
Category(s): Chemicals, Nanotechnology
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