Search Results - software

144 Results Sort By:
Machine-learning based forecasting of visual field deficits for glaucoma management
Summary The current technology is a machine learning algorithm that can accurately forecast glaucoma-induced visual field deficits and outperforms existing forecasting methods. This technology could allow for more efficient management of glaucoma by reducing the number of office-based visual field assessments. Technology Overview Glaucoma is characterized...
Published: 8/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ashkan Abbasi, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Sowjanya Gowrisankaran, Xubo Song, Bhavna Antony, Gadi (Chaim) Wollstein, Joel Schuman
Keywords(s): Diagnostics, Diagnostics - Other, Software, Software - Diagnostic/Detection
Category(s): Diagnostics, Software
Infinite-dimensional integrated digital image correlation (IDIC)
Background Digital image correlation (DIC) methods are common in laboratory experi­ments. Often termed two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D-DIC), the method uses a camera to acquire images of a planar object that is deforming nominally within the specimen surface plane that is being imaged. DIC algorithms typically perform the image registration...
Published: 7/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Omar Ghattas, Joseph Kirchhoff, Thomas O’Leary Roseberry, Dingcheng Luo
Category(s): Computer software > Modeling and simulation, Computer software > Image analysis, Computer software > Research tool, Physical sciences, Physical sciences > Aerospace, Physical sciences > Defense, Physical sciences > Environment, Physical sciences > Materials, Software
Sequence-to-Sequence Language Grounding of Non-Markovian Task Specifications
Overview There are existing ways to translate a person’s instructions for a robot into a series of logical functions that the machine can execute to achieve the goal, such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Such approaches are powerful, but they are also technical and complex; a non-expert could not be expected to learn this language to communicate...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex
Category(s): Robotics, Software
Probabilistic Object Models for Robust, Repeatable Pick-and-Place
Overview Picking up an object is one of the simplest tasks a person can perform. For a robot, however, such a task requires a suite of surprisingly complex abilities. The machine must have a capable grasping hand capable of exerting just the right amount of force—enough to avoid dropping the object, but not so much as to crush it. The robot must...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex, John Oberlin
Category(s): Robotics, Software
Multi-Object Search Using Object-Oriented POMDPs
Overview The robots of the future may be called upon to search for a variety of objects and to do so in unfamiliar territory. An established method called Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) allows a robot to make decisions in the correct order even faced with uncertain conditions. However, these POMDPs struggle to keep pace...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex, Arthur Richard Wandzel
Category(s): Robotics, Software, Natural Language Processing
Accurately and Efficiently Interpreting Human-Robot Instructions of Varying Granularities
Overview Robots that work alongside humans must be able to understand directions and instructions in natural language. But not all instructions are created equal. For example, a human operating a forklift intuitively understands the difference between what researchers would call a high-level action, like “grab a pallet,” and a low-level...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex, Lawson Wong, Nakul Gopalan, Dilip Arumugam, Siddharth Karamcheti
Category(s): Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Software
Computationally Constructing Peptide Sequences for Protein Signaling
Opportunity Proteins and peptides perform an array of vital functions in the human body. The variety of factors that dictate the function of a protein include its amino acid sequence, with each amino acid differentiated by a unique side chain. Specific combinations of amino acids with specific side chains join together to create proteins with unique...
Published: 3/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Aishwarya Prakash, Grant Daly, Thomas Johnsten, Ryan Benton, Thomas Johnsten
Category(s): All Technologies, Gene Therapy and Delivery, Software
Dashboard That Reduces Nurse Medication Error Risk Based on Real-Time Data
OPPORTUNITY The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System shocked the healthcare community when it revealed a high level of medical –and more specifically— medication errors. One of five medication administrations was identified as contributing to over 400,000 serious injuries in hospitals...
Published: 3/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Amy Campbell, Christopher Harlan, Matt Campbell
Category(s): Software, All Technologies, MVP Candidate
An OCT method to improve scleral lens fitting
Summary The current technology allows for accurate and objective 3-dimensional (3D) mapping of the external limbus, which could ultimately improve the process of scleral lens fitting. Technology Overview Rigid scleral lenses are difficult to fit to patients because they must rest on the eye but vault over the cornea and the limbus, which is the transition...
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Huang, Yan Li, Clara Llorens Quintana
Keywords(s): Imaging, Imaging - Other, Software, Software - Diagnostic/Detection
Category(s): Imaging, Software
Postprocessing algorithms to minimize fixed pattern artifact and reduce trigger jitter in swept source OCT
Summary OHSU developed post-processing algorithms which could minimize fixed pattern artifact and reduce trigger jitter in swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Technology Overview Swept-source OCT has advantages of less fringe washout and faster imaging speeds compared to conventional spectraldomain detection. Therefore, it is attractive...
Published: 9/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): Gangjun Liu, David Huang
Category(s): Device, Imaging, Engineering, Software
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