Search Results - urology

17 Results Sort By:
Endoscopy Device Enhancement (Case No. 2021-020)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Gastroenterology have developed a novel addition to current endoscopes that enables dynamic, user-directed movement of the device’s distal tip for improved surgical outcomes. Background: Endoscopic procedures are integral to modern gastroenterology, among other procedural medical fields. While...
Published: 9/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dean Ehrlich, Jacob Rosen, Alex Xu
Keywords(s): Endoscopes, endoscopic devices, Endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Medical Device, surgical tool, Urology
Category(s): Medical Devices > Medical Imaging > Endoscopy, Medical Devices > Surgical Tools, Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Medical Imaging, Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems
Functionalized Materials for Surgical Closure Device (Case No. 2022-270)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Urology have developed a synthetic functionalized adhesive material that can be utilized for various purposes including wound closure. Background: Synthetic materials and adhesive polymers such as poly (glycerol sebacate) or PGS are often used in tissue engineering and medical devices. Such materials...
Published: 9/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Renea Sturm, George Aninwene
Keywords(s): adhesive material, Biomaterial, Composite Material, Composite Materials, Functional Materials, internal suture lines, luminal repairs, Materials, Medical Device, Medical Devices and Materials, Smart medical device, suture line reinforcement, Urology, wearable medical device, Wound closure, Wound Healing
Category(s): Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Surgical Tools, Materials, Materials > Functional Materials, Materials > Membranes, Chemical, Chemical > Polymers
Therapeutic Lighted Catheter for Treatment and Prevention of Urethral Stricture Disease, Bladder Neck Stenosis and Anastomotic Contractures
An easy-to-use, minimally-invasive treatment that improves the efficacy of endoscopic treatments by preventing/reducing scar formation. Background: Urethral strictures cause around 1,000,000 emergency room visits in the US and nearly as many visits to urologist clinics. Treatments include urethral dilations (mechanical stretching) and endoscopic...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dmitriy Nikolavsky, Gennady Bratslavsky
Keywords(s): anastomotic contractures, bladder neck stenosis, catheter, Technologies, urethral stricture disease, urology
Category(s): Campus > Upstate Medical University, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering
A method to stratify subtypes of T1 bladder cancer for targeted therapeutics
NU 2020-155 INVENTORS Joshua Meeks* A Gordon Robertson Clarice S. Groeneveld Aurélien de Reyniès SHORT DESCRIPTION Using next-generation sequencing to classify patient subtypes of bladder cancer for targeted T1 tumor therapies BACKGROUND T1 bladder cancers have the highest progression and recurrence rates of all non-muscle-invasive...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Biomarker, Cancer/Oncology, Personalized medicine, Urology
Category(s): Life Sciences > Therapeutics
Small Molecule for Bladder Repair
NU 2021-153 INVENTORS Arun Sharma* Matthew Bury Natalie Fuller SHORT DESCRIPTION A small molecule to improve the regenerative outcomes of injured or diseased urinary bladder tissue ABSTRACT Northwestern researchers have identified a small molecule that facilitates the repair and restoration of damaged urinary bladder tissue following loss of...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Drug discovery, Small molecule, Therapeutics, Urology
Category(s): Life Sciences > Therapeutics
Three-way urology catheter stopcock
Project ID: D2021-28 Background The United States Pharmacopeial Convention has published the standard, USP 800, for handling hazardous drugs in healthcare settings. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended that caregivers use an effective Closed System Transfer Device (CSTD) in order to minimize exposure to...
Published: 6/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Cindy Peters, Sheila Rothert, Rebecca Duvall, Laura Shoup, Janelle Tipton, Eric Betka, David Otte, Marc Crisenbery
Keywords(s): Bladder Cancer, Catheter, Intravesicular, Urology
Category(s): Oncology, Medical Device
Smart Dialysis Catheter
UC Case No. 2019-873SUMMARY:UCLA researchers in the Department of Cardiology at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine have developed a smart dialysis catheter that can measure different patient vitals in real-time to prevent hospitalizations due to renal failure.BACKGROUND:Kidney failure currently affects 660,000 Americans. 468,000 of these individuals...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Asim Rafique
Keywords(s): Bioinformatics, Cardiovascular, Diagnostic Platform Technologies (E.G. Microfluidics), Digital Health, Hospital Systems And Devices, Medical Devices and Materials, Metabolic Diseases, Monitoring And Recording Systems, Renal, Urology
Category(s): Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems, Platforms > Diagnostic Platform Technologies, Therapeutics > Cardiovascular
2016-093 Device for Global and Targeted Delivery of Brachytherapy to the Bladder Lumen
SUMMARYUCLA researchers have designed a device that delivers local radiation to the bladder lumen limiting harmful off-target effects. This technology enables the use of radiotherapy as a safe and effective treatment for early stage bladder cancer patients.BACKGROUNDBladder cancer is the second most common genitourinary malignancy in the US with 74,000...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Robert Chin, Mitchell Kamrava
Keywords(s): Drug Delivery, Medical Devices and Materials, Oncology, Urology
Category(s): Medical Devices, Platforms > Drug Delivery, Therapeutics > Oncology, Therapeutics > Urology
2004-084 Adipose Derived Stem Cells for Reconstruction of the Urinary Tract
Stem Cell Urinary Tract Reconstruction TherapySUMMARYResearchers from the UCLA Department of Urology have successfully harvested stem cells from adipose tissue and differentiate them into functioning smooth muscle cells. These adipose derived stem cells can then be used for reconstruction or tissue engineering of smooth muscle containing organs, especially...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Wu, Larissa Rodriguez
Keywords(s): iPS/stem cells, Renal, Stem Cells / Regenerative Medicine, Urology
Category(s): Therapeutics > Urology, Therapeutics > Renal, Therapeutics > Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Therapeutics > Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine > Ips Stem Cells
UTI Management System
NU 1996-066InventorsAnthony Schaeffer*Ophir FriederShort DescriptionAn integrated, multi-component system for urinary tract infection managementAbstractA Northwestern University urologist has designed an integrated, multi-component system for urinary tract infection (UTI) management that can save money as well as improve patient outcomes. Central to...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Devices, Diagnostics, Health IT, Medical device, Urology
Category(s): Life Sciences > Healthcare Devices, Tools & IT
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