Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+medical+%3e+cell+%26+tissue+engineering

17 Results Sort By:
Kcnab2 Conditional Knockout Mouse Model
­Advantages: A new Kcnab2 exon 4-floxed mice, suitable for experimental models to study muscle development, regeneration, and pathogenesis. Kcnab2 exon 4-floxed mice were successfully generated using CRISPR/Case9 technology. Allows for specific study of the Kcanb2 function on skeletal muscle (e.g. TA) without significant changes in the brain...
Published: 9/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Srinivas Tipparaju
Keywords(s): Animal Models, Cardiological Diseases Treatment, Cardiovascular Diseases
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomedical Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering
Clk1 Inhibitor for White to Brite Adipogenesis
­Advantages: Stimulates mitochondria and reprograms adipocytes from white to beige characteristics. Reduces metabolic disorder inducing white adipose tissue. Burns more energy and stores less fat without changes in lifestyle. Summary: Fat tissue in obesity results from adipocyte hyperplasia or the formation of new adipocytes from progenitors,...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Denise Cooper, Robert Sparks, Ryan Kirchoffer, Wayne Guida
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering
Protein-Based Advanced Wound Healing System
­Advantages: Inhibits multiple tissue proteases and promotes cell growth. Sustained release of the therapeutic at the wound site. Protease inhibition is easily editable to allow for further targeting of possible bacterial proteases. Can be applied dry, reconstituted, or embedded in materials. Summary: Wound healing is dependent on a balance...
Published: 9/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Graham Strauss, Piyush Koria
Keywords(s): Medical Dressing, Wound and Tissue Healing
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomaterials, Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics
Regulated Delivery of Antibiotic and Antifungal Drugs Via Controlled Degradable Chondroitin Sulfate Particles
­Advantages: Novel synthesis of Chondroitin sulfate (CS) particles for encapsulation of antibiotic and antifungal drugs. Synthesis can be fine-tuned to produced non-degradable, slightly degradable, and completely degradable CS drug carriers, for a variety of therapeutic applications. CS particles were successfully tested for encapsulation...
Published: 5/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): NURETTIN SAHINER, Ramesh Ayyala
Keywords(s): Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine, Pharmaceuticals
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Infectious Diseases, Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Medical
Cold Shock Protein Scaffold for Engineering Non-Antibody Binding Proteins
­Advantages: The small size of the TBP (<8 kDa) allows for superior tissue penetration, making it ideal for applications requiring effective targeting of specific sites. Derived from a hyperthermophilic bacteria, the TBP's stability in reducing conditions and absence of disulfide bonds ensure structural integrity in challenging environments. ...
Published: 4/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jack Webster
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Medical Imaging, Sensors
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering
Frequency Domain Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy
­Advantages: Robust simultaneous quantitative measurement of tissue blood flow and absorption, ensuring reliability and enabling easy cross-subject comparisons for versatility. Single source source-detector separation measurement, reducing the size of the optical probe significantly for portability. Simplifies electronics by eliminating the...
Published: 3/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ashwin Parthasarathy, Sadhu Moka, Abdul Mohaimen Safi
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Medical Diagnostics, Spectroscopy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Spectroscopy
RNA Aptamer Targeting of ADAM8 in the Tumor Microenvironment
­Advantages: Novel targeted RNA aptamers to inhibit ADAM8 and block cancer associated fibroblast maintenance in the tumor microenvironment. RNA aptamer benefits: high affinity, high specificity, and low immunogenicity Promising preclinical in vitro and in vivo outcomes Summary: This research delves into the intricate dynamics of cancer progression,...
Published: 5/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Paul Kuo, Zhiyong Mi
Keywords(s): Cancer Treatment, Medical Therapeutics Cell Therapy, Medical Therapeutics Gene Therapy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Pharmaceuticals, Technology Classifications > Medical > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering
Microbiome Based Precision Nutrition Model
­Advantages: By identifying suitable diets that enhance beneficial bacteria and metabolic activities, the research can potentially help individuals address gut-related issues and reduce conditions like leaky gut and inflammation. By understanding the unique composition of the gut microbiota and its response to different dietary factors, personalized...
Published: 9/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Hariom Yadav, Shalini Jain
Keywords(s): Gastrointestinal / Digestive Health, Microbiome
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical, Technology Classifications > Medical > Neuroscience
Activation of E6Ap/Ube3A-Mediated Protein Ubiquitination and Degradation Pathways By A Cyclic G-Aa Peptide
Advantages By modulating E3 ligase activity, it is possible to regulate protein degradation pathways, gene activation, and other cellular functions. The research expands the therapeutic landscape by introducing the concept of E3 activators alongside E3 inhibitors, PROTACs, and molecular glues. Synthetic ligands, such as γ-AA peptides, offer...
Published: 4/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jianfeng Cai, Bo Huang, Jun Yin, Li Zhou, Ruochuan Liu
Keywords(s): Cancer Treatment, Drug Discovery, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Oncology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Neuroscience
Simultaneous Crossed And Parallel Polarized Light Viewing/Imaging Through A Split Polarizer
­Competitive Advantages Multiple polarization states in a single filter allow for simultaneous surface and sub-surface viewing/imaging of semi-transparent or layer-based materials. This technology eliminates the need to switch or rotate between the states of the polarizer or interact with the device, reducing the need for complex decision-making,...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Katharine Hanlon-Nielsen
Keywords(s): Forensic Applications, Ophthalmology, Optical, Laser, Fiberoptic, Spectroscopy, Optics and Imaging, Sensors
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Spectroscopy, Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Sensors, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Fiber Optics, Technology Classifications > Advance Materials, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Food Sciences
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