Search Results - ryan+kirchoffer

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Clk1 Inhibitor for White to Brite Adipogenesis
­Advantages: Stimulates mitochondria and reprograms adipocytes from white to beige characteristics. Reduces metabolic disorder inducing white adipose tissue. Burns more energy and stores less fat without changes in lifestyle. Summary: Fat tissue in obesity results from adipocyte hyperplasia or the formation of new adipocytes from progenitors,...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Denise Cooper, Robert Sparks, Ryan Kirchoffer, Wayne Guida
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering
Synthetic Infrastructure Model for Vulnerability, Failure, & Future Transition
Urban infrastructures are complex and vulnerable to cascading failures (e.g., a hurricane causing large-scale power outages). Understanding urban infrastructures, their relationships, and propensity for cascading failures is essential to preparing for future extreme events. Often seemingly innocuous failures trigger a catastrophic hazard as the initial...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Mikhail Chester, SK Nasir Ahmad, Nathan Johnson, Ryan Hoff
Keywords(s): Infrastructure, Modeling, PS-Energy and Power
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Energy & Power, Environmental, Physical Science