Search Results - healthcare

115 Results Sort By:
An integrated sensing chip for attomolar label-free detection of amplified nucleic acids
Summary: Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a nucleic acid amplification technique and has been widely used for detection of pathogens in many organisms. Current LAMP-based sensors usually require the LAMP products to be labeled in order for them to be detected. Description: This new LAMP chip offers a new portable platform to detect...
Published: 7/2/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Agriculture, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Sensors & Controls, Research Tools & Design Tools, Medical Devices, Veterinary Medicine, Life Sciences, Healthcare
Secure message authentication in wireless relay networks
Summary: Relays are extensively utilized in various wireless networks, such as cellular and WiFi, to extend coverage and enhance network capacity. However, the presence of relays also introduces data integrity challenges. One critical concern is the threat of data integrity attacks, where a relay maliciously modifies packets during transit. This type...
Published: 7/2/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Agriculture, Healthcare, Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Sensors & Controls, Software & Information Technology
Flow Sensor Based on Coulometric Interrogation of a Graphene Microelectrode
­ ­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES Self-powered, high-performance biofluid-flow interrogation devices (e.g., minimally-invasive implantable blood flow monitor, miniaturized flow sensor, transparent flow sensor) PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Significantly improved sensitivity (two-orders-of-magnitude improvement)...
Published: 3/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jinglei Ping, Xiaoyu Zhang
Category(s): Devices & sensors, Engineering, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Research tools, Electronics
Localization of Payload Delivery Systems to Tumor Sites via Beacon Cell Targeting
­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES Safe and efficacious delivery of payload to a tumor PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Provides possibility to deliver potentially toxic therapy/molecule to bacteria-associated tumors with significantly reduced off-target accumulation while increasing tumor localization, efficacy,...
Published: 3/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Neil Forbes, Nele Van Dessel, John Klier, Shane Taylor, Vishnu Raman
Category(s): Biotechnology, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Therapeutics & prevention
Noncationic Nucleic Acid-Polymer Complexes for Nucleic Acid Delivery
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESNoncationic nucleic acid-polymer complexes for nucleic acid deliveryNucleic acid-polymer complexation kits for nucleic acid encapsulation and intracellular deliveryNovel polymers for nucleic acid delivery with substantially reduced cytotoxicityPRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESCOMPETITIVE ADVANTAGESAn efficient nucleic acid delivery system with...
Published: 10/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sankaran Thayumanavan
Category(s): Biotechnology, Healthcare, Nanotechnology, Life Sciences, Therapeutics & prevention
Fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe
Fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe In brief Researchers have developed a single ultrasonic imaging fibre, capable of simultaneously accessing 3D spatial information and mechanical properties from microscopic objects. The device can perform label-free and non-contact imaging with a high resolution. Key benefits: Optical fibre technology:...
Published: 7/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sal La Cavera III, Fernando Perez-Cota, Richard Smith, Matthew Clark
Category(s): Electronics, Engineering, Healthcare, Optics, Medical Device
Wearable wound monitoring device using optical fibre technology
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Liu Liangliang, Stephen Morgan, Ricardo Correia, Serhiy Korposh
Category(s): Healthcare, Optics, Medical Device, Engineering
MRI-compatible Robot Using Actively Controlled Steerable Needles
­MRI-compatible robot enables teleoperative, image-guided needle insertion and manipulation that can move in a curvilinear path Background Conventional medical imaging modalities such as ultrasound and CT for visualization and tip tracking of needles in needle-based procedures are usually challenging. MRI provides superior visualization and...
Published: 5/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Bardia Konh, Blayton Padasdao, Samuel Lafreniere
Category(s): Devices, Healthcare
Cell-Membrane-Coated Polymeric Nanoparticles for Selective Intracellular Delivery of Therapeutics
­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES Cell-membrane-coated, cargo-encapsulated polymer nanoparticles as target-specific prodrugs PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Enhanced cellular uptake and endosomal escape, resulting in more efficient delivery of therapeutics Enhanced selectivity of intracellular delivery of therapeutics TECHNOLOGY...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sankaran Thayumanavan
Category(s): Healthcare, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Therapeutics & prevention, Research tools
Novel Ferroptosis Inducing Compounds as Anti-cancer Agents
­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES • Ferroptosis inducing compounds for anti-cancer therapy • Ferroptosis inducers as research reagents PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES ADVANTAGES • Highly target-specific • Can be used a complementary-mechanism-based therapy for front-line cancer treatments • Can...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Rachid Skouta, Thomas Dawson, Rohit Bhadoria
Category(s): Chemicals, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Research tools, Therapeutics & prevention
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