Search Results - electronics

53 Results Sort By:
Flow Sensor Based on Coulometric Interrogation of a Graphene Microelectrode
­ ­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES Self-powered, high-performance biofluid-flow interrogation devices (e.g., minimally-invasive implantable blood flow monitor, miniaturized flow sensor, transparent flow sensor) PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Significantly improved sensitivity (two-orders-of-magnitude improvement)...
Published: 3/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jinglei Ping, Xiaoyu Zhang
Category(s): Devices & sensors, Engineering, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Research tools, Electronics
­APPLICATIONS Applications include pattern recognition, image processing, natural language understanding, robotics, and other fields where machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques are applied. APPLICATIONSTECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION The invention introduces a technology that utilizes capacitative components to implement artificial...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Mark McLean, Zhongrui Wang, Qing Wu
Category(s): Computers, Electronics, Engineering, Communications & internet
­APPLICATIONS Applications include pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other areas where brain-inspired computing paradigms are beneficial. APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES Advantages include their low power consumption, high density integration, non-volatility, and compatibility with existing semiconductor...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Mark McLean, Qing Wu
Category(s): Devices, Computers, Communications & internet, Devices & sensors, Electronics, Engineering, Nanotechnology
Fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe
Fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe In brief Researchers have developed a single ultrasonic imaging fibre, capable of simultaneously accessing 3D spatial information and mechanical properties from microscopic objects. The device can perform label-free and non-contact imaging with a high resolution. Key benefits: Optical fibre technology:...
Published: 7/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sal La Cavera III, Fernando Perez-Cota, Richard Smith, Matthew Clark
Category(s): Electronics, Engineering, Healthcare, Optics, Medical Device
Real time measurement of fluid interfaces via multi-peak digital holography
­ Real time measurement of fluid interfaces via multi-peak digital holography In brief This device uses the principles of multi-peak digital holography coupled with digital processing to measure and reconstruct the 3D profile of fluids, thin films and other reflective surfaces in real time using readily available optical components. Key...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): August Geelmuyden, Vitor Barroso Silveira, Silke Weinfurtner
Category(s): Electronics, Optics
Smart Thumper (A Smartphone Application)
Technology Overview This technology is a mobile application that uses already existing smartphone technologies to measure the property of wood material Background Smartphones are heavily used globally and in the US. The perception towards smartphones has become increasingly acceptable with the diversification of usage as the population continues...
Published: 8/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): R. Seale, Songyi Han, Frederico Franca
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Electronics
Adiabatic Quantum Computer to Count the Number of Groundstates of a Quantum Hamiltonian
Overview This invention pertains to the use of an adiabatic quantum computer in counting the number of ground states of a quantum Hamiltonian. Background Prior to this invention, there have been methods of constructing adiabatic quantum computers to obtain a ground state for a problem Hamiltonian. The problem Hamiltonian and the adiabatic procedure...
Published: 6/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mark Novotny
Keywords(s): Electronics
Category(s): Data Science, Electronics
Lookahead-Aware Active Noise Cancellation for True Wireless Stereo Earbuds
Lookahead-Aware Active Noise Cancellation for True Wireless Stereo Earbuds Overview of Technology A noise cancellation method aiming to improve the noise reduction abilities of true wireless stereo earbuds Background of Technology Noise cancellation allows people to listen to audio content without raising the volume excessively and is helpful in...
Published: 6/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yu Luo, Lina Pu
Category(s): Electronics, Sensors & Diagnostics
Universal single-phase three-phase DC/AC converter with small-size, ripple-free DC side and high-quality AC
Overview of Technology A novel technology consisting of a universal single-phase and three-phase DC/AC converter Technology Overview MSU researchers have created a novel converter topology and control system for application in three-phase and single-phase DG/EV- charger units. The proposed converter consists of six controllable power electronic switches,...
Published: 8/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani
Category(s): Electronics
Method for Obtaining Unit Transmission in Nanodevice Electron Propagation: Full Transmission without Ballistic Propagation and Associated Field-effect Transistors
Overview of Technology This technology purposes ballistic propagation with disordered materials. Background Ballistic propagation of electrons occurs when there is no disorder and allows for the minimum electrical resistance of wires as well as allowing devices such as field-effect transistors (FETs). The same effects can be obtained with disordered...
Published: 8/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Mark Novotny
Keywords(s): Electronics
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Data Science, Electronics
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