Search Results - environmental

190 Results Sort By:
Noble Metal Decorated Ordered Metal Oxide Nanowire Monolayer for High Performance Gas Sensing
Background Metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors are a type of solid-state sensing device capable of transducing the binding of an analyte to a measurable signal in the form of changes in electrical resistance. In order to effectively incorporate MOX sensors into wireless devices for environmental and health monitoring applications, the sensors must be miniature...
Published: 9/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jiansong Miao, Jerry Lin
Keywords(s): Materials and Electronics
Category(s): Physical Science, Chemical/Biological Sensors, Wireless & Networking, Environmental
CO2 Capture & Harvest with Turbulence
Background Carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from the atmosphere is a critical factor in mitigating climate change. There are many current technologies being used for CO2 capture, including CO2 removal technologies from ambient air. These technologies typically use sorbent materials or mechanisms that involve laminar flow of air, which can sometimes provide...
Published: 8/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Klaus Lackner, Robert Page
Category(s): Environmental, Physical Science, Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology
Regenerative Adsorbents Inspired by Mammals’ Mucociliary Escalators (Re-AIMEs)
Background Air pollution causes more than 6.5 million premature deaths globally, due to the significant adverse health effects particularly on children, the elderly, and communities with low socioeconomic status. There are many different sources of air pollution including vehicle emissions, natural gas for heating, by-products of manufacturing, and...
Published: 8/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elham Fini, Albert Hung
Category(s): Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology, Environmental, Physical Science
Passive Direct Air Capture Telescoping Device
Background Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are a leading cause of climate change. The removal of CO2 from the atmosphere is a critical factor in mitigating climate change. Passive direct air capture of CO2 is an effective technique for the reduction of CO2 as it reduces the resources required and can easily be integrated with existing systems. There...
Published: 8/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Klaus Lackner, Robert Page, Mohammad Talha, Matthew Green
Category(s): Environmental, Physical Science, Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology
Spectroscopic Bioagent Detection
VALUE PROPOSITION The need for Identifying viruses quickly and accurately has become more apparent than ever. Each cell, virus, nanoparticle vibrates at a natural frequency. This technology is a phonon spectroscopy-based microscope that accurately identifies single nanoparticles and viruses. The device can be used for detecting single viruses or...
Published: 9/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elad Harel
Category(s): Medical, Analytical Instruments, Biotechnology, Environmental, Photonics
AUDACity: DAC Polymer-Enhanced Cyanobacterial Bioproductivity
Background Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods from atmospheric air, including direct air capture (DAC), is essential to limit the spread of global warming. However, current DAC approaches based on thermal and pressure swings are very energy intensive. Moisture-driven DAC using strong-base anion exchange resins (AER) reversibly binds CO2 from ambient...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Flory, Willem Vermaas, Klaus Lackner, Matthew Green, Marlene Velazco Medel, Samantha Taylor, Shuqin Li
Keywords(s): Biofuels Production, Bioplastic and Biopolymers
Category(s): Physical Science, Environmental, Alternative Energy/Biofuels/Bioplastics/Algae
Auto-Switching Gas and Fluid Intake Device
Background Many current sensors, including gas concentration analyzers based on laser absorption spectroscopy, provide simultaneous, precise, and accurate measurement of gases (e.g., CO2 and N2O) for agriculture, soil science, ecological, and emissions quantification applications. However, they are often expensive to produce and operate. Recent research...
Published: 8/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Saurav Kumar, Jnaneshwar Das, Devin Keating
Category(s): Physical Science, Agriculture/Animal Health, Applied Technologies, Environmental
CoRAL: Collaborative Robotic Aquatic Laboratory
Continuous long-term observation of coral reefs is essential for gathering crucial data that helps determine the state of environmental health. Coral reefs support 25% of all marine species which makes it necessary that they be monitored for good health. Traditional methods of coral reef monitoring, such as diver-based surveys and airborne observatories,...
Published: 9/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jnaneshwar Das, Rodney Staggers Jr., Aravind Saravanakumaran, Cole Brauer, Harish Anand, Yash Shethwala, Darwin Mick, Alex Goldman, Jason Achilles Mezilis, Sarah Bearman, Devin Keating, Ramon Arrowsmith, Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert, Roberta Martin, Greg Asner, Lakshmi Antervedi, Zhiang Chen
Keywords(s): Imaging, Oceanography, PS-Environmental, Robotics, Sensing, Sensors
Category(s): Environmental, Imaging, Physical Science
Producing Fungal Leather Material from Molds
Background Neurospora crassa is a type of filamentous fungus of the ascomycota typically found in bread. Rhizopus oryzae is another type of filamentous fungi of the mucoromycta that is typically found in soil and rotting vegetation. Neither of these fungi are toxic or pathogenic to humans, but have not been extensively studied for research purposes....
Published: 7/31/2024   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Gonzalez
Category(s): Physical Science, Alternative Energy/Biofuels/Bioplastics/Algae, Biomaterials, Environmental, Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology
UltraScan: Affordable High Spectral-Resolution 3D Imaging Leveraging Robotic Scanning Spectroscopy Combined with Semantic SLAM
Background Current methods for estimating high-resolution hyperspectral images focus on using spectrometer data to estimate the spectral response of each pixel in the high-resolution image, and then fusing this information with the multispectral data. This results in a high-resolution hyperspectral image that has proven to be effective for high-resolution...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jnaneshwar Das, Saurav Kumar
Category(s): Physical Science, Wireless & Networking, Environmental, Applied Technologies, Agriculture/Animal Health, Computing & Information Technology
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