Search Results - food+technology+%26+plant+science

11 Results Sort By:
Engineering Triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis pathway for enhance production of oil contents and seed yield
­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES • Cost-effective biofuel and edible oil production • Higher productivity and adaptability of crops for agriculture and food industry PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Enhancing the oil contents and seed yield per acre basis – enhanced yield and cost efficiency • ...
Published: 11/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Om Parkash Dhankher, Danny Schnell, Sudesh Chhikara
Category(s): Engineering, Environmental, Food technology & plant science
Stable water-in-oil antimicrobial concentrate
­ rss.Item1Header>APPLICATIONS Antimicrobial concentrate to mix-in with carrier oil for cleaning low-moisture food processing environment APPLICATIONSTECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION This invention provides a novel and straightforward antimicrobial concentrate that takes advantage of the highly effective antimicrobial property of the acidified...
Published: 11/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Lynne Mclandsborough, Shihyu Chuang
Category(s): Food technology & plant science, Material science, Chemicals
Plant-based Seafood and Method of Making Thereof
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES Plant-based seafood products, such as plant-based fish, scallops, foie gras, and shellfish COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Sustainable Safe, plant-derived ingredients Free of seafood allergens and soy allergen Simple manufacturing process that does not involve expensive or energy-intensive equipment TECHNOLOGY...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Julian McClements, Zhiyun Zhang, Hung (Harry) Pham, Kanon Kobata
Category(s): Food technology & plant science
Rapid Detection of Penetration of Pesticides, Antibiotices or Other Analytes in Plants and Produce
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES• Pesticide/antibiotic-penetration mapping service• SERS-based systems or probe kits for mapping penetration of pesticides, antibiotics or other analytes in plants and producePRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESADVANTAGES• Simple and rapid in situ and real-time mapping of analyte penetration in a biological structure•...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lili He
Category(s): Environmental, Food technology & plant science, Nanotechnology, Research tools
Antimicrobial Delivery Systems for Foods and Beverages
Antimicrobial delivery systems for foods and beveragesFoods and beverages with potent antimicrobial efficacy while maintaining desirable sensory propertiesPRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESCOMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES The antimicrobial delivery systems have great stability when applied to comestibles without causing turbidities or precipitates.The antimicrobial delivery...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Julian McClements, Lynne Mclandsborough, Yuhua Chang
Category(s): Food technology & plant science
A Novel, Low-Cost Substrate System for Gas-Phase or Multiphase Analyte Detection Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES• SERS substrate kits for gas-phase or multiphase analyte detection• SERS-based gas-phase or multiphase analyte detection servicesPRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESADVANTAGES• Simple and low-cost substrate fabrication• Sensitive gas-phase and multiphase analyte detection • In situ detection...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lili He, Haoxin Chen
Category(s): Research tools, Food technology & plant science, Nanotechnology
Food-Grade Antioxidants and Methods of Preparation Thereof
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES• Natural, food-grade antioxidants as food additives• Lipid-containing food products with extended shelf lifePRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESADVANTAGES• Natural and food-grade antioxidants• Value added products (antioxidants) made from naturally derived lecithin• Low cost production•...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Eric Decker
Category(s): Food technology & plant science, Life Sciences
A Rapid and Senstivie Method for the Dectection of Bacteria in Food Matrices and Water
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES• Bacterial detection services for the food and beverage industry• Bacterial detection services for water quality ananlysisPRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES• Rapid and sensitive bacterial detection• Applicable to the detection of bacteria in complex food matrices• Efficient capture of bacteria...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lili He
Category(s): Food technology & plant science, Environmental, Nanotechnology
Food Grade, GRAS Antimicrobial Nanoemulsions for Use as a Food Disinfectant/Sanitizer
Food disinfectant and sanitizerAntimicrobial treatment for sprouting seedsHousehold CleanerSterilizing and disinfecting solution for industrial equipmentPRODUCT OPPORTUNITIESCOMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES PERFORMANCE FACTORSHigh Pressure HomogenizationUltrasoundRotor/StatorSolvent DisplacementPhase Inversion TemperatureTHIS INVENTIONLow Energy---+++Droplet...
Published: 8/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Julian McClements, Lynne Mclandsborough, Kyle Landry
Category(s): Food technology & plant science
Ion Sequestering Active Packaging Materials
In food and other consumer products, metal ions lead to a degradative reactions like oxidation, which can negatively impact consumer goods, leading to shortened shelf life, loss of color intensity, generation of unpleasant flavors and odors, nutritent loss. Moreover, oxidation reactions can compromise bioactive ingredients in cosmetic products. To address...
Published: 1/18/2022   |   Inventor(s): Julie Goddard, Eric Decker
Category(s): Food technology & plant science
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