Search Results - software+%26+information+technology

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Secure message authentication in wireless relay networks
Summary: Relays are extensively utilized in various wireless networks, such as cellular and WiFi, to extend coverage and enhance network capacity. However, the presence of relays also introduces data integrity challenges. One critical concern is the threat of data integrity attacks, where a relay maliciously modifies packets during transit. This type...
Published: 7/2/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Agriculture, Healthcare, Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Sensors & Controls, Software & Information Technology
Rapid Neural Network-based Autofocus Control for High-precision Imaging Systems
­END-USE APPLICATIONS • High-speed microscope image acquisition • Real-time in-line inspection of manufactured micron- and nano-scale products • Tracking of fast-moving micron- and nano-scale targets • Producing high-speed (≥40Hz) high-precision (1 nm) microscopes/cameras without the need for...
Published: 11/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Xian Du, Peter DiMeo, Jingyang Yan
Category(s): Engineering, Physical Science, Software & information technology
Plush Toys with Arrays of Textile-based Sensors for Interaction Detection
­PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES • Smart plush toys for interaction detection ADVANTAGES • Capable of capturing a range of complex interactions between the plush toy and its end-user • Built-in flexible and light weight non-rigid sensors • Effective and low power-consumption machine learning algorithm...
Published: 11/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ali Kiaghadi, Jin Huang, Seyedeh Zohreh Homayounfar, Deepak Ganesan, Trisha Andrew
Category(s): Physical Science, Software & information technology, Engineering, Devices & sensors
CachePerf: A New Tool for Classifying Different Types of Cache Misses Correctly
PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES • A new tool for classifying different types of cache misses correctly PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES ADVANTAGES • A unified profiler that can correctly identify different types of cache misses without manual involvement, including previously known and 4 new types of cache misses, resulting in significant...
Published: 8/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Tongping Liu, Jin Zhou, Jiaxun Tang, Hanmei Yang
Category(s): Computers, Engineering, Software & information technology
Method for Computer Modeling of Partially Coated Structures
­ Summary: Our contributors have proposed a simple and efficient projection-based approach to modeling partial coatings on a structure. This integrated projection-based, isogeometric analysis directly incorporates the existing CAD model and material definitions and eliminates time-consuming geometry manipulation and meshing steps that are necessary...
Published: 7/22/2022   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Software & Information Technology, Research Tools & Design Tools
Cybersecurity Algorithms for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions and Industrial Control Systems
Summary: The innovative methods and system of enhancing cybersecurity in networks and, in particular, in control systems including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and Industrial Control Systems (ICS), which are the backbones for monitoring and supervising factories, power grids, water distribution systems, nuclear plants, and...
Published: 2/16/2022   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Engineering & Physical Sciences, Software & Information Technology
Smartphone-based Hearing Aid System
Technology Description: We present a smartphone app which, when paired with a conventional smartphone and an ear-level device (i.e., wired or wireless ear buds), can provide a user with a cost-effective and complete assistive hearing aid system for both monaural and binaural applications. Using integrated microphone(s) and camera(s) of iOS-based...
Published: 6/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Issa Panahi
Keywords(s): Signal Processing
Category(s): Electronics, Healthcare, Signal Processing, Software & Information Technology
A new method of managing heap memory for NUMA architecture
TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTIONToday’s computers have multiple processing cores to improve performance; however, a bottleneck arises in multi-core processors where there is only one memory controller, as each processor would need to be able to access the same memory. The Non-Uniform Memory Access computing architecture, or NUMA, addresses this bottleneck...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Tongping Liu, Xin Zhao, Hanmei Yang
Category(s): Software & information technology, Computers, Engineering
RigNet: Neural Rigging for Articulated Characters
TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION Character rigging is the process where animators fit a skeleton to a 3D model, which then allows the animators to manipulate the movement of, or animate, the model. Currently, animators must manually define the skeleton’s joints, how they’re connected, and how the model’s body parts move. This is a very time...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Evangelos Kalogerakis, Zhan Xu, Yang Zhou
Category(s): Software & information technology, Research tools, Computers, Communications & internet
A Novel Way to Extract and Combine the Large Data of Protein Sequences and Structures to Improve Matching Scores
Summary: Researchers at Iowa State University have developed a new amino acid substitution matrix, SeqStruct, that takes into account both the sequence and structure data of the protein in the sequence matching procedure. This allows for better sequence matching scores across diverse proteins, especially for those proteins whose structures are similar...
Published: 2/11/2022   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Life Sciences, Software & Information Technology
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