Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+medical+%3e+medical+imaging

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Frequency Domain Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy
­Advantages: Robust simultaneous quantitative measurement of tissue blood flow and absorption, ensuring reliability and enabling easy cross-subject comparisons for versatility. Single source source-detector separation measurement, reducing the size of the optical probe significantly for portability. Simplifies electronics by eliminating the...
Published: 3/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ashwin Parthasarathy, Sadhu Moka, Abdul Mohaimen Safi
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Medical Diagnostics, Spectroscopy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Spectroscopy
Novel Method of Cancer Diagnosis by Multifractality of Surface Potential
­Advantages: Enhanced diagnostic accuracy for precise cancer cell identification. Complementary insights from both morphology and surface potential analysis. Label-free and minimally invasive, ensuring safety and sample integrity. Background: Breast and ovarian are the most frequent types of cancer among women worldwide. Morbidity and mortality...
Published: 4/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dmitri Voronine, Phat Huynh, Dang Nguyen, Grace Binder, Sharad Ambardar, Trung Le
Keywords(s): Cancer Diagnostics, Medical Imaging
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Cancer > Cancer Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging
Molecular Imaging of the Cochlea
­Advantages: Microenvironment Sensitivity: Unveils subtle structural changes within the cochlear microenvironment, enhancing auditory health understanding. Treatment Response Tracking: Precisely quantifies potassium concentration changes, enabling accurate monitoring of treatment responses and disease progression. Non-Invasive Approach: Offers...
Published: 9/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Parveen Bazard, Mikalai Budzevich, Xiaoxia Zhu, Bo Ding, Robert Frisina
Keywords(s): Diagnostics, Medical Imaging
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
A Constitutive-based Machine Learning Model for The Identification of Active Contraction Properties in the Ventricular Myocardium
­Advantages: The deep learning-based approach enables accurate forecasting of left ventricular active contractions, providing early indicators of potential cardiovascular diseases, allowing for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. The technology utilizes clinical metrics and imaging data, avoiding invasive procedures, and reducing...
Published: 8/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Igor Nobrega
Keywords(s): Cardiological Diseases Treatment, Cardiovascular Diseases, Machine Learning
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomedical Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging
Unlocking Precision: Harnessing Bootstrapped Semantic Preprocessing for Advanced Medical Data Labeling
Advantages: Efficient and Accurate Ground Truth Generation Improved Performance in Histopathology Analysis Increased Dataset Size for Better Training Business Summary: The integrated technology of Bootstrapped Semantic Preprocessing (BSP) sets it apart in the medical histopathology field by enabling effective automatic labeling for medical datasets...
Published: 7/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Collazo
Keywords(s): Data Mining, Datasets, Healthcare Training and Patient Evaluation and Software, Medical Devices
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical, Technology Classifications > Data/AI, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomedical Engineering
Simultaneous Crossed And Parallel Polarized Light Viewing/Imaging Through A Split Polarizer
­Competitive Advantages Multiple polarization states in a single filter allow for simultaneous surface and sub-surface viewing/imaging of semi-transparent or layer-based materials. This technology eliminates the need to switch or rotate between the states of the polarizer or interact with the device, reducing the need for complex decision-making,...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Katharine Hanlon-Nielsen
Keywords(s): Forensic Applications, Ophthalmology, Optical, Laser, Fiberoptic, Spectroscopy, Optics and Imaging, Sensors
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Spectroscopy, Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Sensors, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Fiber Optics, Technology Classifications > Advance Materials, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Food Sciences
Lightweight Denoising Algorithm for Medical Imaging
­Competitive Advantages Provides a fast and lean solution to denoise medical images Could improve diagnostic accuracyand thus increased efficiency of the resulting treatment Denoising is based on patient’s individual imaging featureswithout need for pretraining or transfer learning Summary Medical imaging provides accuracy in diagnosis...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Mayfield
Keywords(s): Medical Diagnostics, Medical Imaging
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Science > Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging
Fluency Map Optimization in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
­Competitive Advantages Better targeting of cancer cells and minimal risk to health organs Requires minimal human interaction Has increased speed Generates a meaningful interpretation of the radiation plan Summary Cancerous tissues are fast proliferating cells that are more sensitive to radiation compared to healthy cells. This fact provides...
Published: 6/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Hadi Charkhgard, Payman Ghasemi Saghand
Keywords(s): Cancer Treatment, Medical Imaging, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Oncology
A Software Model for Mapping Negative Epilepsy Network in Brain
Competitive Advantages A non-invasive method that improves the chances of the cure of epilepsy Increases the efficacy of surgery by generating a negatively correlated epilepsy model which represents a protective anti-seizure network to be preserved in the surgery This software algorithm needs readily available on the desk equipment to produce the...
Published: 7/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Elliot Neal, Fernando Vale
Keywords(s): Neuroscience, Surgery, Surgical Tools
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Science > Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical > Neuroscience, Technology Classifications > Medical > Surgery
Accounting for Affect in Pain Level Recognition
­Competitive Advantages Differentiates between pain and non-pain stimuli Assesses pain in a real-world setting Might help doctors know the criticality of the injury based on the accurate pain measurement Will help detect the pain level of babies and unconscious patients Summary Automated pain assessment is an essential component in clinical...
Published: 9/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Shaun Canavan, Md Taufeeq Uddin, Ghadh Alzamzmi
Keywords(s): Image Tracking, Medical Devices, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Pain Relief / Management, Sensor
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging
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