Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+medical+%3e+medical+diagnostics

41 Results Sort By:
Sensitive and Robust Biosensing Using Plasmonic Enhancement of Fluorescence by Rapid Thermal Annealed Silver Nanostructures
­Advantages: Enhances cancer biomarker sensitivity Scalable production methods Enables low-concentration detection Ideal for portable diagnostics Summary: In cancer diagnostics, a major challenge is the detection of biomarkers at extremely low concentrations, particularly at the nanogram per milliliter (ng/ml) level, which is crucial for...
Published: 9/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shuangming Li, Venkat Bhethanabotla
Keywords(s): Biomarker, Cancer Diagnostics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Cancer > Cancer Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
Cancer Patients with an Anti-Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Immune Response Show Improved Outcomes
­Advantages: Cancers with an adaptive immune response (T cell and antibody response) to EBV correlate with better outcomes: tested in ovarian cancer, stomach adenocarcinoma, Burkitt lymphoma, and diffused large B cell lymphoma Could be developed into a potential predictive biomarker that utilizes antibody and/or T cell receptor CDR3 sequencing...
Published: 8/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): George Blanck, Rahul Jain, Taha Huda, Srijit Paul, Boris Chobrutskiy, Andrea Chobrutskiy, Nandini Goel, Madeline Baker, Joanna Song, Veda Vangala, Michael Diaz
Keywords(s): Cancer Diagnostics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Cancer > Cancer Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
3D Printed Swab for Diagnostic Testing
­Advantages: 3D-printed swab comprising a shaft and a plurality of protrusions, that can be manufactured at high capacity with low potential for contamination. 3D-printed swabs can be manufactured with various tip shapes and stem lengths to help optimize sample collections from different targeted locations. 3D printing allows tip diameters...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Summer Decker, Jonathan Ford, Michael Teng, Kami Kim, Todd Hazelton, John Sinnott, Todd Goldstein
Keywords(s): Medical Devices, Medical Diagnostics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices
Ophthalmological Formulations for the Prevention of a Coronavirus Infection
­Advantages: Directly delivers remdesivir in ophthalmic drops to the eye cells potentially minimizing systemic side effects. Formulation is designed to prevent disease transmission via the eyes and to treat conjunctivitis caused by infection. Nanoparticulate formulation meets pharmaceutical delivery standards. Summary: COVID-19, caused...
Published: 7/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vijaykumar Sutariya, Srinivas Tipparaju, Kevin Sneed, Manas Biswal, Ozlem Guzeloglu-Kayisli, Ramesh Ayyala, Radouil Tzekov
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Pharmaceuticals, Technology Classifications > Medical > Ophthalmology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
Systems and Methods for Accurate Electronic “Finger to Thumb Crease”
­Advantages: An accurate electronic assessment Unbiased Gives quantified results Leads to more accurate diagnoses Summary: The “finger to thumb crease” test is used to assess neurological function, particularly in the cerebellum. Patients are asked to tap the tip of their index finger against the distal crease of the thumb using...
Published: 7/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Theresa Zesiewicz, Kyle Reed
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
AI-Driven Magnetic Respiratory Sensor for Real-Time Monitoring of Respiratory Diseases Like COVID-19
­Advantages: An AI-assisted contactless device that measures a patient’s breathing pattern and provides early and rapid detection of COVID-19 respiratory symptoms, in under 5 minutes. The ultrahigh sensitivity enables real-time monitoring of abnormal variations in a patient’s breath across multiple stages of disease. The portable...
Published: 7/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Manh-Huong Phan, Kee Young Hwang, Valery Ortiz Jimenez, Baleeswaraiah Muchharla
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence, Medical Diagnostics, Respiratory Diseases
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Respiratory
Spatio-temporal Graph Analytics on Secondary Affect Data for Improving Trustworthy Emotional AI
­Advantages: Enhances analysis with a comprehensive view, nuanced understanding of affect data. Captures evolving patterns in affective computing with precise spatio-temporal insight. Unveils biases in affect data, facilitating ethical development through analytics. Summary: In the realm of affective computing (AC), the current challenge...
Published: 9/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shaun Canavan, Md Taufeeq Uddin, Lijun Yin
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence, Health Tech, Predictive Analytics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Data/AI > Cybersecurity - Data/AI, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomedical Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
Conditional FKBP51 Over-expression Transgenic Mouse
­Advantages: Created a transgenic mice model that allows researchers to precisely control the expression of human FKBP51. Offers a tailored approach to studying psychiatric disorders, enabling the development of personalized treatments. Enhances the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders such as depression,...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Dickey(VA) (DECEASED - See Notes), Laura Blair, Bo Zhang
Keywords(s): Animal Models, Psychiatry / Mental Health
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools/Copyright > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomedical Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Neuroscience, Technology Classifications > Medical > Pharmaceuticals, Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics
Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting Clostridioides Difficile Sporulation
­Advantages: The development of DBO compounds represents a novel therapeutic approach to tackling CDI. By inhibiting C. difficile sporulation, DBO compounds address a major cause of CDI recurrence, reducing the likelihood of patients experiencing repeated infections. DBO compounds improve the effectiveness of existing antibiotics used to treat...
Published: 10/2/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yu Chen, Michael Sacco, James Leahy, Elena Bray, Xingmin Sun, Xiujun Zhang
Keywords(s): Drug Discovery, Infectious Diseases Treatment
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Pharmaceuticals, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Infectious Diseases, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology
Investigating the Role of BIN1's SH3 Domain in Alzheimer's Desease
­Advantages: The approach of targeting BIN1, a gene associated with AD increases the likelihood of finding effective therapeutic interventions. Determining the crystal structure of BIN1's SH3 domain provides detailed structural information which is crucial for designing small molecule inhibitors. The research reports promising preliminary...
Published: 1/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Gopal Thinakaran
Keywords(s): Medical Therapeutics Gene Therapy, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neuroscience, Small Molecules
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Pharmaceuticals, Technology Classifications > Medical > Neuroscience, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
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