Search Results - liyang+chen

52 Results Sort By:
2023-087 Thiophene Configurable Amorphous Small Molecular Hole Transporting Material for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cell
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have invented a series of hole transporting materials that have enabled among the highest recorded power conversion efficiencies for perovskite solar cells while maintaining high device stability and low cost. Background: Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are an emerging...
Published: 6/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yang Yang, Dong Meng
Keywords(s): buffer layer, charge collection, charge collection efficiency, charge extraction, charge-transfer, device architectures, device stability, hole transporting material, hydrophobicity, interfacial layer, ion-migration, n-i-p device, perovskite, Perovskite Lead(II) Iodide, perovskite solar cell, photostability, p-i-n device, power conversion efficiency, radiosurgery, Silicon Working Electrode Perovskite (Structure), spinal surgery, thermal stability
Category(s): Chemical, Electrical, Energy & Environment > Energy Generation > Solar, Materials, Materials > Functional Materials, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors
Intermetallic Fe Based Catalysts for Light Olefin Production
­Advantages: High Selectivity: Up to 45% light olefin selectivity with CO2 included. Exceptional Stability: Maintains performance over a 72-hour run. Customizable Reactivity: Fe:In ratios tune surface composition for optimized olefin production and reduced by-products. Summary: This technology addresses a critical need in the chemical industry...
Published: 8/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Kuhn, Babu Joseph, Yang He
Keywords(s): Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Material Science
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Chemistry, Technology Classifications > Energy & Environment > Energy Engineering
National Hydrologic Simulation Database
This database includes simulation input and outputs from the ParFlow CONUS 1 and 2 models for use in connection with the HydroGEN system for hydrological modeling. More information on these models can be found at and ParFlow is one of the most physically rigorous hydrologic...
Published: 8/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Laura Condon, Andrew Bennett, Amy Johnson, Reed Maxwell, William Hasling, Amy Defnet, Danielle Tijerina, Chen Yang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Technology Classifications > Software & Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Software & Information Technology > Databases & Data Mining, Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Horticulture
An OCT method to improve scleral lens fitting
Summary The current technology allows for accurate and objective 3-dimensional (3D) mapping of the external limbus, which could ultimately improve the process of scleral lens fitting. Technology Overview Rigid scleral lenses are difficult to fit to patients because they must rest on the eye but vault over the cornea and the limbus, which is the transition...
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Huang, Yan Li, Clara Llorens Quintana
Keywords(s): Imaging, Imaging - Other, Software, Software - Diagnostic/Detection
Category(s): Imaging, Software
High-Throughput Direct-Measurement of Telomere Length
Telomeres are linear chromosome end-capping repetitive DNA sequences. They serve to protect the ends of chromosomes from undesirable fusion events, thus integrity and length are crucial for stability. Natural attrition as well as mutations can affect telomere integrity and length resulting in chromosome instability, senescence, cell death and human...
Published: 8/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Julian Chen, Yang Li, Dhenugen Logeswaran
Category(s): Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Diagnostic Assays/Devices, Genomic Assays/Reagents/Tools, Life Science (All LS Techs), Medical Diagnostics/Sensors
Learning Sparse Features for Self-Supervised Learning with Contrastive Dual Gating
The success of conventional supervised learning relies on large-scale labeled datasets to achieve high accuracy. However, annotating millions of data samples is labor-intensive and time-consuming. This promotes self-supervised learning as an attractive solution with artificial labels being used instead of human-annotated ones for training. Contrastive...
Published: 6/2/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jae-Sun Seo, Jian Meng, Li Yang, Deliang Fan
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Machine Learning, Performance Optimization, PS-Computing and Information Technology
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Physical Science
New Small Molecules for Stable and Efficient Organic Photovoltaics (UCLA Case No. 2023-086)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a novel molecule for organic photovoltaics, photodetectors, organic field effect transistors, and other relevant applications. Background: Among all competing photovoltaic technologies, the organic photovoltaics (OPVs) market is likely to grow the fastest,...
Published: 12/8/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yang Yang, Dong Meng
Keywords(s): Concentrated Solar Power, Concentrated Solar Power Chemical Engineering, energy conversion, energy conversion applications, energy recycle, interfacial layer, Methods Of Detecting Extrasolar Planets, multi-junction tandem devices, near-infrared, organic field effect transistors, organic photo detector, organic photovoltaics, Organic Solar Cell, perovskite devices, perovskite solar cell, Polymer Solar Cell, rganic light-emitting diodes, Solar Cell, Solar Cell Metamaterial, Solar Cell Molecular Electronics, Solar Energy, Thin Film Solar Cell, transparent OPVs, ultra-narrow bandgap
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Materials > Functional Materials, Energy & Environment > Energy Generation > Solar
Temperature-Resilient RRAM-Based In-Memory Computing for DNN Inference
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown extraordinary performance in recent years for various applications, including image classification, object detection, speech recognition, etc. Accuracy-driven DNN architectures tend to increase model sizes and computations in a very fast pace, demanding a massive amount of hardware resources. Frequent communication...
Published: 5/2/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jae-Sun Seo, Jian Meng, Li Yang, Deliang Fan
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Machine Learning, Memory, Neural Computing, PS-Computing and Information Technology
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Physical Science
Safety-Guaranteed Driving Control of Automated Vehicles
­Advanced vehicle control systems (e.g., an electronic stability control system) can greatly reduce accident rates and fatality in accidents. Vehicle control systems in automated vehicles (AVs) are able to ensure vehicle safety in many driving scenarios by cooperating with other advanced perception and path planning systems of the AVs. A typical...
Published: 3/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yan Chen, Yiwen Huang
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Automotive, PS-Computing and Information Technology
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology
Transformable UAV with both Coplanar and Omnidirectional Features
Background Industrial and agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used for long-distance flight applications such as aerial photography, mapping, package transportation, inspection, and pesticide spraying. Typically, coplanar multirotor UAVs, such as quadcopters and hexacopters are applied to perform these tasks because of their...
Published: 3/7/2023   |   Inventor(s): Shi Lu, Yan Chen
Category(s): Physical Science, Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical, Applied Technologies, Imaging
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