National Hydrologic Simulation Database

This database includes simulation input and outputs from the ParFlow CONUS 1 and 2 models for use in connection with the HydroGEN system for hydrological modeling. More information on these models can be found at and ParFlow is one of the most physically rigorous hydrologic models available and is unique because it simulates both the subsurface and the land surface at the same time. The HydroGen National Hydrologic Simulation Database is the only ParFlow model of the entire US and was used in multiple scientific studies. The database includes the complete set of 3D model inputs and simulation outputs as well as the entire hydro-geo-fabric that creates the national model input dataset. 

Water is the driving force behind extreme weather events, damaging the nation’s people and economically straining the US. Hydrological research, analysis, and forecasts to predict adverse weather events is needed to mitigate and prevent damage. Using rigorous ParFlow models with HydroGEN’s hydrologic simulation platform helps create more accurate simulations to help decision makers.  


  • Forecasting hydrological scenarios
  • Analyzing groundwater problems
  • Risk management for insurance purposes
  • Aid for wildfire planners, forest management, and water management


  • Uses ParFlow, a rigorous hydrological model
  • Can simulate subsurface and land surface simultaneously
  • Physical models generated 
  • Advance models generated
  • Web based (easier and on-demand access)
  • Advanced software
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