Search Results - yong+zeng

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Enzymatic Reactions for Modifying and Labeling Extracellular Vesicles
Applies Enzymatic Glycan Engineering to Functionalize and Tag Extracellular Vesicles This method for modifying extracellular vesicles combines enzymatic glycan engineering with chemoselective functionalization to unlock applications such as targeted drug delivery. Extracellular vesicles are lipid bilayer-enclosed nanoparticles secreted by cells, acting...
Published: 12/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Zhongwu Guo, Mohit Jaiswal, Yong Zeng, Xin Zhou, Jiatong Guo
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical, Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Diagnostics
Methods and Compositions for Treating Genetically Linked Diseases of the Eye
Abstract: X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) is an inherited, monogenetic ocular disease caused by mutations in the retinoschisin (RS1) gene, resulting in the development of cystic cavities throughout the retina and leading to juvenile macular degeneration. Approximately 1:15,000 males in the US are affected, classifying the condition as an orphan indication.  The...
Published: 12/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Paul Sieving, Ronald Bush, Yong Zeng, Peter Colosi
Keywords(s): Clinical, EYE, GENE THERAPY, ophthalmological, Orphan Indication, Sieving, XLRS
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Ear, Nose, & Throat, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology