Search Results - qiangfei+xia

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­APPLICATIONS Applications include pattern recognition, image processing, natural language understanding, robotics, and other fields where machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques are applied. APPLICATIONSTECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION The invention introduces a technology that utilizes capacitative components to implement artificial...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Mark McLean, Zhongrui Wang, Qing Wu
Category(s): Computers, Electronics, Engineering, Communications & internet
­APPLICATIONS Applications include pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other areas where brain-inspired computing paradigms are beneficial. APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES Advantages include their low power consumption, high density integration, non-volatility, and compatibility with existing semiconductor...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Mark McLean, Qing Wu
Category(s): Devices, Computers, Communications & internet, Devices & sensors, Electronics, Engineering, Nanotechnology
Diffusive Memristor as a Synapse
Neuromorphic computing, systems designed to mimic the biological nervous system, require far less power than current computer processors. The increased efficiency makes feasible artificial intelligence applications for smaller, hand-held devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets). To this end, UMass inventors have designed hardware components that mimic neuronal...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Mark McLean, Qing Wu, Mark Barnell
Category(s): Devices, Engineering, Physical Science, Communications & internet, Computers
Memristor Random Number Generator
True random number generators (TRNGs) are used in cryptography and cyber security, and are increasingly important in an interconnected world at risk from cyber threats. Hardware random number generators use physical variables, such as thermal noise or the photoelectric effect, as sources of randomness in number generation. However, they suffer from...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianhua (joshua) Yang, Qiangfei Xia, Hao Jiang
Category(s): Communications & internet, Computers, Devices, Engineering
Neuromorphic Computing Memristive Device
Resistance switching devices, also known as memristive devices, represent the next generation in computing. With a typical metal/insulator/metal structure, memristors change resistance based on past current flow and retain this new resistance even when turned off. This allows memristors to store data without needing constant power like in traditional...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qiangfei Xia, Hao Jiang, Jianhua Yang
Category(s): Devices, Electronics
Method OF Transfer Printing
2-dimensional (2D) materials are characterized as being one or two atoms thick. Graphene (image) is by far the best known 2D material. However, there are many other 2D materials with attractive properties (e.g. hexagonal boron nitrides (hBN), transition metal dichalcogenides, etc.). Due to their superior physical properties, graphene and related 2D...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qiangfei Xia, Peng Lin
Category(s): Material science, Nanotechnology
Extremely Small and Fast Radio Frequency Switches
TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTIONMemristive devices are characterized by their present resistance being dependent on the current that last passed through them. In this invention, a memristive RF switch is created by having two micro-electrodes with a small air gap, e.g., 50nm or less, between them. When in the “off” state, the air gap between the...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qiangfei Xia, Joseph Bardin, Shuang Pi
Category(s): Electronics, Communications & internet, Devices & sensors, Computers
All Silicon Based Memristive Devices and Arrays
A new low power resistance random access memory (RRAM) device based on silicon materials has been invented. RRAM devices are non-volatile memory devices as well as promising candidates to replace FLASH memory and become the front runner among non-volatile memories. Instead of charge storage, RRAM uses high and low resistance as state variables. RRAM...
Published: 6/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qiangfei Xia
Category(s): Electronics, Devices, Communications & internet, Computers
Introductory Business Chinese
Description of TechnologyIntroductory Business Chinese is intended mainly for use by those who have little or no knowledge of the Chinese language but who, for any number of different reasons, wish to learn more about business and economics in the Chinese environment. The primary intended audiences are (1) business professionals who deal with Chinese...
Published: 6/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Patricia Paulsell, Fei Fei
Keywords(s): Chinese Language, Chinese Language Instruction, Software
Category(s): Computer Software
Method for Self-Repair of Defects in Nano-Structures
Researchers at Princeton University have developed a new method for repairing and thereby reducing defects in a patterned nanoscale device by liquifying the patterned device in the presence of appropriate guiding conditions for a period of time and then permitting the device to re-solidify. The performance of such nanoscale devices typically...
Published: 5/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Chou, Qiangfei Xia
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Materials