Search Results - drug+delivery

63 Results Sort By:
Parenteral and oral delivery of antibodies
Overview With their high molecular weight and susceptibility to degradation by both enzymes and extreme pH values, proteins such as antibodies usually display poor absorption across epithelial membranes and low oral bioavailability. We have invented pharmaceutical compositions that contain micronized antibodies encapsulated and/or dispersed in polymeric...
Published: 2/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Edith Mathiowitz, Aharon Azagury, Stacia Furtado, Yumiko Mizuno
Category(s): Drug Delivery
Monoclonal Antibodies Binding to Transferrin Receptor (TfR) for Therapeutic Protein Delivery across Blood-Brain Barrier
Blood-brain barrier (BBB) limits brain entry and is one of the major hurdles in developing antibody and protein-based therapeutics for central nervous system (CNS) diseases. UTHealth researchers identified and engineered monoclonal antibodies binding to transferrin receptor (TfR) but not affecting transferrin (Tf) binding to TfR. An engineered monovalent...
Published: 5/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Zhiqiang An
Category(s): Drug Delivery, Therapeutics, Neurology/Neurosurgery, Oncology, Biologics
Composition for Increased Systemic Uptake of Nanoparticles Following Oral or Mucosal Drug Delivery
Overview The use of oral drug delivery systems based on polymeric particles has been historically limited by stomach acidity, enzymatic activity, and low penetration through the GI tissue. We have invented pharmaceutical formulations containing coated particles that have increased systemic uptake into the blood and/or increased local GI uptake. The...
Published: 6/7/2023   |   Inventor(s): Edith Mathiowitz, Aharon Azagury, Kosta Milovanovic, Cameron Baptista, Carder Jones
Category(s): Drug Delivery
A Novel Liposomal Formulation to Target Candida
Overview The yeast Candida lives on the skin and in many places inside the human body, often without causing any health problems. However, it can cause infections, especially if it reaches the bloodstream. Shukla and colleagues have developed a liposomal formulation containing a novel targeting peptide for delivering antifungal treatments inside the...
Published: 6/4/2023   |   Inventor(s): Anita Shukla, Noel Vera-Gonzalez, Sarah Cowles, Christina Bailey-Hytholt, Eli Silvert
Category(s): Drug Delivery
Aspartic Protease-Triggered Antifungal Hydrogels
Overview Antimicrobial-resistant Candida is a growing public health problem. We have developed an aspartic protease-triggered hydrogel system that selectively delivers an antifungal drug only in the presence of a virulent, pathogenic Candida fungal infection. Market Opportunity Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections, and antimicrobial-resistant...
Published: 4/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): Anita Shukla, Noel Vera-Gonzalez
Category(s): Drug Delivery
Treat Prostate Cancer with Less Invasive Methods and Fewer Adverse Effects
Treat Prostate Cancer with Less Invasive Methods and Fewer Adverse Effects
Published: 12/6/2022   |   Inventor(s): Silviya Zustiak, Andrew Hall, Keith Pereira
Category(s): Drug Delivery
Novel Chromogenic Beta-Lactamase Substrate for Diagnostic Biomaterials
Overview Chromogenic beta-lactamase substrates are used to diagnose bacterial infections. Yet those currently available lose their diagnostic color-change capability when chemically modified. We have synthesized a novel chromogenic beta-lactam molecule (“ANT”) that retains its color-change response when modified for conjugation to a range...
Published: 11/21/2022   |   Inventor(s): Anita Shukla, Dahlia Alkekhia, Shashank Shukla, Hannah Safford
Category(s): Diagnostics, Drug Delivery
Responsive Hydrogel Systems to Regulate pH of Breast Cancer Tumor Microenvironment
Overview The acidification of cancer microenvironments is a well-known characteristic of solid tumors. Our novel hydrogel systems restore pH homeostasis by reducing pH levels within the tumor, thereby limiting drug resistance and metastasis. Market Opportunity Solid tumors grow faster than the blood supply to them, causing formation of a microenvironment...
Published: 9/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Vikas Srivastava, Savan Santoki, Sijun Niu
Category(s): Drug Delivery
Hyper-compliant polymer particles
Overview Polymer microbeads have been used extensively for biomedical applications, including device calibration, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and encapsulation of therapeutic agents. But their effectiveness is limited by the lack of microbeads that are similar to living cells. Our novel method is the first to produce polymer microbeads with...
Published: 11/1/2022   |   Inventor(s): Eric Darling, Edith Mathiowitz, Nicholas Labriola
Category(s): Drug Delivery, Research Tools
Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Polyurethane Coating for Intravascular Catheters
Overview Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) are a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections worldwide. Our auranofin-releasing antibacterial and antibiofilm polyurethane catheter coating kills bacteria and prevents them from forming hard-to-eliminate biofilms. Market Opportunity Intravascular catheters are used for hemodynamic monitoring,...
Published: 11/16/2022   |   Inventor(s): Anita Shukla, Beth Fuchs, Eleftherios Mylonakis, Hanyang Liu
Category(s): Drug Delivery, Devices
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