Search Results - computer+hardware

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Cache design resilient to contention-based side-channel attack
Background Shared caches are vulnerable to side channel attacks through contention in cache sets. Contention attacks, as opposed to reuse attacks, depend on having a shared cache between the attacker and the victim and do not require the presence of shared memory. Existing solutions to prevent these attacks resort to partitioning or hiding the mapping...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sandhya Dwarkadas, Divya Ojha
Category(s): Computer Hardware
Modular quantum interconnect for microwave and telecommunications wavelengths
VALUE PROPOSITION This technology is a quantum interconnect (QuIC) technology that consists of scalable modular devices which act as a common communications bus for other quantum systems to form larger quantum networks of varying size. INTRODUCTION Research in the field of quantum information processing and communication technologies has had...
Published: 6/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jonas Becker, Shannon Nicley, Johannes Pollanen
Category(s): Subassemblies and Components, Devices, Computer Hardware, Control Systems
Multispectral Imaging CMOS Sensor
ProblemMultipixel image sensors are widely used in digital camera, LIDAR, medical imaging devices, and other equipment. For color image sensors, typically arrays of pixel elements are used for each pixel position. Light reaches each pixel element through a respective color filter, so each pixel element responds primarily to a single color, for example...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jennifer Kruschwitz, Jaime Cardenas Gonzalez
Category(s): Computer Hardware, Optics, Imaging
High-sensitivity low-energy thermal aware system for next generation integrated systems
Background In next-generation integrated systems, high power densities and thermal issues can dramatically degrade performance, reliability, leakage current, and system robustness. Allocating heat conduction paths and specialized cooling systems can help protect from overheating, but these systems must be supported with a temperature aware capability...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eby Friedman, Abdelrahman Qoutb
Category(s): Computer Hardware
Titanium Oxide-coated Lithium Niobate
Background Microring resonators are particularly suitable as integrated photonic components given their flexibility of device engineering and potential for large-scale integration, but their susceptibility to temperature fluctuation has become a major challenge for their implementation in a practical environment. The realization of lithium niobate...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Qiang Lin, Jingwei Ling
Category(s): Optics, Computer Hardware, Communications, Informatics, Nanotechnology, Materials
Electrical Reconfigurability and an Electrical Reconfigurable Logic Gate Intrinsically Enabled by Spin-Orbit Materials
An integrated logic device includes a channel having an interconnect section and a pair of spin-orbit segments connected to the interconnect section at either end of the interconnect section. A P structure includes a P magnet disposed on a surface of a spin-orbit segment. A tunneling barrier is disposed between the P magnet and a Rp magnetic reference...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mohammad Kazemi
Category(s): Computer Hardware
Energy Efficient Write Scheme for Non-Volatile Resistive Crossbar Arrays with Selectors
A method to adaptively and dynamically set a bias scheme of a crossbar array for a write operation includes: performing a read-before-write operation to determine a number of cells n to be written during a write operation; comparing n to a predetermined threshold value to determine an efficient bias scheme; setting at least one voltage regulator to...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eby Friedman, Albert Ciprut
Category(s): Computer Hardware
Magnetization Switching of a Ferromagnetic Layer Using Spin-Orbit Torques in the Absence of any External Magnetic Field
Background SOT-MRAM is based on the reversible switching of the magnetization of one of two ferromagnetic layers in the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) due to the magnetic field created by an in-place current pulse. This causes the magnetization of the switchable ferromagnetic layer to precess toward an in-plane direction. After the current passes,...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eby Friedman, Engin Ipek, Mohammad Kazemi
Category(s): Computer Hardware
A Memristive Accelerator for Solving Linear Systems
Presented is a method and apparatus for solving. The method includes receiving, by a resistive memory array, a first data, the resistive memory array comprising a plurality of cells, wherein the receiving comprises setting a plurality of resistances on the plurality of cells, wherein each of the plurality of resistances are based on the first data....
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eby Friedman, Isaac Richter, Xiaochen Guo, Mohammad Kazemi, Kamil Pas, Ravi Patel, Engin Ipek, Ji Liu
Category(s): Computer Hardware
Programmable Memory Controller
One embodiment includes a programmable memory controller. The programmable memory controller includes a request processor that comprises a first domain-specific instruction set architecture (ISA) for accelerating common requests. A transaction processor comprises a second domain-specific ISA for accelerating transaction processing tasks. A dedicated...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Engin Ipek, Mahdi Nazm Bojnordi, Arun Jagatheesan
Category(s): Computer Software, Computer Hardware
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