Search Results - nanoscience+%26+microtechnologies

58 Results Sort By:
Apparatus and Method for continuous Production of Semiconductor Nanoparticles
A continuous-flow injection reactor and a method for continuous material synthesis, including synthesis of nanoparticles Background Nanocrystalline semiconductors have attracted a considerable amount of attention due to their unique physiochemical properties. Recent advances in nanocrystals are having a dramatic impact on the development of next...
Published: 6/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chih-hung Chang, Hyungdae Jin, Yu-Wei Su
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Chemical, Chemistry, Engineering, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Device, Materials Science, Physical Science
Nanocarriers for Systemic Delivery of IRAK4 Inhibitors to Inflamed Tissues
A nanocarrier system to effectively deliver anti-inflammatory drugs and improve the treatment of inflammatory diseases Background The inflammatory response is the body’s natural defense mechanism against infection and injury. In certain instances, however, persistent and uncontrolled inflammation becomes detrimental and contributes to the...
Published: 5/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Oleh Taratula, Olena Taratula, Youngrong Park, Daniel Marks, Tetiana Korzun
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies
Growth Factor Loaded Nanofibers for Wound Healing
The nanofibers are loaded with a pair of growth factors that promote efficient wound healing through sustained activation of select pathways Background An average of 2% of the total United States population have chronic wounds, but current treatments are inadequate. We’re developing new ways to heal chronic wounds by using electrospun nanofibers...
Published: 5/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Arup Indra, Gitali Indra, Jingwei Xie
Keywords(s): diabetic foot ulcer, diabetic wound healing, growth factors, growth factors in wound healing, HGF, Insulin like growth factor (IGF), pressure ulcers, wound-infection
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies
Retinomorphic Sensors
This sensor, intended for use in computer vision applications, only produces a signal in response to changes in light conditions. Background Inspired by the way retinal cells respond to light, retinomorphic sensors are hoped to enable faster identification of moving objects than software-based approaches. Unlike conventional optical sensors, such...
Published: 3/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Labram
Category(s): Device, Engineering, Imaging, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Transportation
Multimeric Therapeutic Nanobodies
Background Assembling nanobodies (Nb) into polyvalent multimers is a powerful strategy for improving the effectiveness of Nb-based therapeutics and biotechnological tools. However, generally effective approaches to Nb assembly are currently restricted to the N- or C-termini, greatly limiting the diversity of Nb multimers that can be produced. Here,...
Published: 8/11/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ryan Mehl, Elise Van Fossen, Riley Bednar
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Biological Materials
Nanoparticle ultrasound contrast agents with high acoustic activity
Summary Contrast-enhanced ultrasound allows for low-cost minimally-invasive imaging; however, the size of typical contrast reagents prevents them from penetrating tumors thereby limiting their utility for cancer diagnostic and therapeutic purposes (theranostics). Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) researchers have developed novel nanoparticle...
Published: 11/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Adem Yildirim, Jose Luis Montoya Mira, Sadik Esener, Stuart Ibsen
Keywords(s): Diagnostics, Diagnostics - Cancer, Imaging, Imaging - Acoustic, Research Tools, Therapeutics
Category(s): Diagnostics, Imaging, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Research Tools, Therapeutics
A Device for Measuring Orbital States of Electrons
University of Oregon Researchers: Benjamin McMorran, Tyler Harvey Patent: 9,960,008 issued 5/1/2018 (UO-16-22) Methods and Devices for Measuring Orbital States of Electrons. Technology Background/Definition of Problem: Orbital angular momentum (OAM), well known and studied in bound electron systems, is a relatively-recently discovered property of...
Published: 6/10/2022   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin McMorran, Tyler Harvey
Category(s): Materials Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science
Device and method for creating Gaussian electron beams
University of Oregon Researchers: Benjamin McMorran Patent: 9,240,255 issued 1/19/2016 (UO-13-07) Device and Method for Creating Gaussian Electron Beams. Technology Background/Definition of Problem: Electron beams used in instrumentation such as scanning electron microscopes, transmission electron microscopes, microprobes, etc. exhibit numerous...
Published: 6/10/2022   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin McMorran
Category(s): Engineering, Imaging, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Research Tools
Use of ultraviolet and aluminum nanoclusters to form water repellents for textiles
University of Oregon Researchers: Darren Johnson, Jordan Levine, Alex Rosen, Tawney Knecht Patent Applications: 63/190,571 filed 5/19/2021; 17/749,055 filed 5/19/2022 (UO-21-031) Method for Producing a Water-Repellant Textile. Technology Background: Traditional durable, water-repellent (DWR) coatings for textiles commonly use per- and poly-fluorinated...
Published: 10/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Darren Johnson, Alex Rosen, Tawney Knecht, Jordan Levine
Category(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Physical Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Sustainability & Cleantechnologies
Device and Method for Determining the Speed of Printing of a Fiber and the Length of a Printed Fiber
Innovators: Ievgenii Liashenko, Andreu Cabot Codina, Joan Rosell Llompart Patent Applications: US17/609,311 filed on 11/5/2021; EU20722347.0 filed on 12/6/2021 (UO-22-010) Device and Method for Determining the Speed of 3-D Printing of a Fiber and the Length of a Printed Fiber. Summary of the Technology: This innovation allows the control of the process...
Published: 12/7/2022   |   Inventor(s): Ievgenii Liashenko, Andreu Cabot Codina, Joan Rosell Llompart
Category(s): Engineering, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science
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