Search Results - olena+taratula

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Enhancing Methotrexate Efficacy for Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment
Methotrexate (MTX) loaded polymersomes are used to preferentially deliver MTX to sites of ectopic pregnancy Background Ectopic pregnancy, abnormal pregnancy implantation at sites other than in the uterine cavity, leads to internal bleeding if not identified and treated in a timely manner, and is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality....
Published: 9/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Olena Taratula, Oleh Taratula, Maureen Baldwin, Leslie Myatt, Babak Mamnoon
Category(s): Therapeutics
Nanocarriers for Systemic Delivery of IRAK4 Inhibitors to Inflamed Tissues
A nanocarrier system to effectively deliver anti-inflammatory drugs and improve the treatment of inflammatory diseases Background The inflammatory response is the body’s natural defense mechanism against infection and injury. In certain instances, however, persistent and uncontrolled inflammation becomes detrimental and contributes to the...
Published: 5/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Oleh Taratula, Olena Taratula, Youngrong Park, Daniel Marks, Tetiana Korzun
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies
Treatment for Muscle Atrophy and for Enhancing Muscle Growth
An mRNA based therapeutic that provides for increased hepatic production of follistatin Background Muscle atrophy is a detrimental and often severely debilitating disease state whose etiology lies within a myriad of disease states ranging from AIDS, sepsis, cardiac failure, muscular dystrophies, cancer, and the natural process of aging. The extent...
Published: 6/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Oleh Taratula, Canan Schumann, Olena Taratula, Adam Alani
Keywords(s): atrophy, growth, mRNA carrier, mRNA delivery, muscle, Muscular Dystrophy, wasting
Category(s): Therapeutics