Search Results - film

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New Method to Produce PBI Films without using Organic Solvents
Reference #: 01429 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for New Method to Produce PBI Films without using Organic Solvents Background: Polybenzimidazole Film is used in membrane electrode assemblies for fuel cells, flow batteries, and hydrogen pumps. The PBI film is a separator between a nickel mesh and carbon felt....
Published: 9/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Brian Benicewicz, Fei Huang, Lihui Wang, Laura Murdock
Keywords(s): Film, Gel membrane, PBI, Polybenzimidazole, PPA Process, solvent-free
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Functionally graded graphene transient electronics
Project ID: D2018-22Background It is estimated that electronics account for 42 million tons of waste per year worldwide. As a result, electronic manufacturers have become interested in transient electronics. They contain environmentally benign components that can be degraded over time in a natural environment. Transient electronics can be used to better...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Syed Reza Rizvi, Sheikh Rasel, Omkar Bhatkar, David Young
Keywords(s): Battery, Compostable, Electronics, Film, Graphene, Graphene oxide, Semi-conductors, Sensor, Transient
Category(s): Materials, Electrical, Polymers
Short-term Wind Farm Generation Forecast using Spatial-Temporal Analysis
Efficient integration of wind energy in power grids is challenging due to the variability of wind energy. The uncertainty of wind impacts various system level considerations, such as the reliability and operational planning of power grids. Mischaracterizing these uncertainties can lead to significant loss of the wind generation. Accurate wind generation...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Junshan Zhang, Miao He, Lei Yang, Vijay Vittal
Keywords(s): Chlorine Resistant, Engineered Osmosis, Environmental, Film, Fuel Cells, Energy, Materials, Materials and Electronics, Membrane, Nanoparticles, Reverse Osmosis, Water Purification
Category(s): Energy & Power
Pressure sensitive polymer films with reversible porosity
Project ID: D2018-23BackgroundPressure sensing is used in the automobile, packaging, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Commercially available pressure-sensing films rely on a reaction created when microcapsules burst upon applied pressure. However, these films only function in a limited temperature range and do not work in wet or oily environments....
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Syed Reza Rizvi, Sheikh Rasel, Emran Bhulyan, Navid Namdari, Bilal Nizar Halim
Keywords(s): Film, Foam, Porosity, Pressure, Temperature
Category(s): Materials, Polymers
Metal Matrix-Hydrophobic Nanoparticle Composites for Promoting Dropwise Condensation
Water vapor condensation is an essential aspect of many technologies in energy generation, desalination, and air conditioning. An increased heat transfer rate during water vapor condensation could lead to considerable economic savings as well as environmental benefits. Hydrophobization improves heat transfer by switching the condensation mode from filmwise...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Konrad Rykaczewski, Viraj Damle
Keywords(s): Chlorine Resistant, Engineered Osmosis, Environmental, Film, Fuel Cells, Energy, Materials, Materials and Electronics, Mechanical and Manufacturing, Membrane, Nanoparticles, Reverse Osmosis, Water Purification
Category(s): Applied Technologies, Energy & Power, Environmental, Physical Science, Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical
Titanium Dioxide Hybrid Ion Exchange Resin for Simultaneously Removing Arsenic & Nitrate
Ion exchange is widely used within industry and public infrastructure to remove metallic, organic, or inorganic particles from water. Ion exchange filters contain activated carbon or spongy polymer beads, called resin, which have been tailored to remove a specific group of contaminants with similar chemistry. Hybrid ion exchange resins are capable of...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kiril Hristovski, Paul Westerhoff
Keywords(s): Chlorine Resistant, Engineered Osmosis, Environmental, Film, Materials, Membrane, Nanoparticles, Reverse Osmosis, Water Purification
Category(s): Environmental
U.S. v. Narciso, Perez & the Press
Description of TechnologyUsing interviews, archival video and photos, and FBI documents obtained via FOIA, U.S. v. Narciso, Perez & the Press is a half-hour documentary that reconstructs the trial of two Filipina nurses convicted of poisoning patients in the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI in the 1970s. During a six-week period in the summer of 1975,...
Published: 1/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Geraldine Zeldes
Keywords(s): Film
Category(s): Medical, Communication, Pharmaceutical
Concept of a System for Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate in Water
Nitrate is the most prevalent pollutant of ground water in the United States and is very common worldwide. Common sources of nitrates are fertilizers, animal feedlots, municipal wastewater, and septic systems. The level of nitrate is regulated in drinking water because high nitrate levels are known to cause Methemoglobinemia, a disease that prevents...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Paul Westerhoff, Kyle Doudrick, Kiril Hristovski
Keywords(s): Chlorine Resistant, Engineered Osmosis, Environmental, Film, Materials, Materials and Electronics, Mechanical and Manufacturing, Membrane, Nanoparticles, Reverse Osmosis, Water Purification
Category(s): Environmental
Anti-Biofilm Compound 1 (ABC-1) and Associated Derivative Molecules
IntroductionBacteria commonly attach to living and nonliving surfaces in the form of biofilms. In this morphology, the bacteria synthesize a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that provide the biofilm with protection and structural support. The EPS also gives the biofilm resistance to antibiotics and immune system clearance, making biofilms...
Published: 11/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Waters, Karthik Sambanthamoorthy, Matthew Neiditch, Martin Semmelhack
Keywords(s): Biofilm, Film, Pathogen
Category(s): Biotechnology