Search Results - database

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Automated Correction of GIS Data in Secondary Distribution Networks
Due to the recent emphasis on a more accurate representation of the electric distribution grid, several utilities now have extensive geographic information system (GIS) databases on distribution feeder equipment and conductor segments. These GIS databases have the ability to manage great amounts of geographical data constructed with spatial information...
Published: 9/20/2023   |   Inventor(s): Karen Montano Martinez, Vijay Vittal, Shanshan Ma
Keywords(s): Database, PS-Computing and Information Technology, PS-Energy and Power
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Energy & Power, Physical Science
EMG Lab Data Management Application- "EMG Lab"
Applications: This is a database management application in the form of a compiled Access 200 mde file that can be used by any EMG clinic that uses Nicolet Biomedical equipment. Advantages: The application imports data directly from Nicolet generated reports and provides functionaities for reporting, patient scheduling, decision support analysis...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eric Logigian, James Forrester, Doug Allen
Keywords(s): Database, Neurological, Software
Category(s): Diagnostic
Novel Clustering Algorithms for Improved Twitter Dataset Creation
Social media services like Twitter have become a prominent source of research data for both academic and corporate applications because of the large amount of data available. Twitter allows researchers to obtain low-cost data samples, but past research has shown the data is not a random distribution and thus, is unrepresentative of the population. As...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Justin Sampson, Fred Morstatter, Ross Maciejewski, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Clustering, Data Mining, Database, Machine Learning
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Physical Science, Wireless & Networking
User-Configured Data Mining and Conversion Software
Allows Users to Selectively Compile Data from Various Fields of Interest and Generate Output Files for Analyses, Reports, Graphics and MoreThis software allows users to extract data from a variety of sources for automated data mining and conversion to facilitate more efficient extraction of relevant data into relational databases. Within the past few...
Published: 7/12/2022   |   Inventor(s): Robert Phillips
Keywords(s): database, Extended Mark-up Language, Relational Data, Shredding, Software, xml
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software > Others
Precise, Accurate Bacterial Identification System
This technology is a rapid, whole genome sequence analysis tool to determine the type of bacteria, resistance, and virulence that lacks biases introduced by culture-based methods. Background: The lack of accurate and precise methods to identify bacteria forces clinicians to use broad based antibiotic regimens. Unfortunately, only 20-40% of samples...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): George Watts, Bonnie Hurwitz
Keywords(s): bacteria, clinical, database, infection, k-mer, sequencing
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics
MADDIT II Blood Samples
Applications:This set of biological materials arose from a genetics research study at the University of Rochester in the area of sudden cardiac death. The University also possesses genotypic and phenotypic data related to each sample (subject) that participated in this study. The data collected during the course of the study is owned by a third pa...
Published: 5/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arthur Moss
Keywords(s): Blood, Cardiac, Database, Drug Design
Category(s): Diagnostic