Search Results - james+forrester

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EMG Lab Data Management Application- "EMG Lab"
Applications: This is a database management application in the form of a compiled Access 200 mde file that can be used by any EMG clinic that uses Nicolet Biomedical equipment. Advantages: The application imports data directly from Nicolet generated reports and provides functionaities for reporting, patient scheduling, decision support analysis...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eric Logigian, James Forrester, Doug Allen
Keywords(s): Database, Neurological, Software
Category(s): Diagnostic
This invention is software that enhances the usability of Lucid Inc. for the purpose of using their Vivascope devices for assessment of Meissner Corpuscle density as a measure of sensory neuropathies. Applications: This software has significantly enabled quantization of Meissner Corpuscles by markedly decreasing the time required for assembly of...
Published: 5/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Herrmann, James Forrester, Michele Ferguson
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Copyright, Computer Software