Search Results - chaojie+feng

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Controlled Vapor-phase ion-gating (VPIG) and ion capping of Nanomaterials
INV-17050 Background The investigation of charged particles is a fundamental aspect of several disciplines including physics, astronomy, atmospheric science, and geophysics, and, in addition to ion gauge based pressure metrology, forms a critical component of numerous advanced applications such as mass spectroscopy, plasma acceleration, oncology,...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Swastik Kar, Ji Hao, Daniel Rubin, Yung Joon Jung
Keywords(s): Carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles
Category(s): -Materials, -Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Electronics/Semiconductors
Vapour-phase gating induced single-ion detection in graphene and single-wall carbon nanotube networks
INV-17012 Background Miniaturized devices having ultrasensitive ion detection capability are useful as ion detectors in diverse applications, including detection of radioactive material or other sources of radiation, electron/ion beam calibration, monitoring of pressure or vacuum, and detection of energetic particles from outer space. Carbon nanotubes...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Swastik Kar, Ji Hao, Yung Joon Jung
Category(s): -Materials, -Sensors tech
2019-985 The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Algorithm Based on Online EM
SUMMARYResearchers led by Tsang-Kai Chang and Chaojie Feng from the Department at UCLA have created a scalable and real-time SLAM algorithm for autonomous robots.BACKGROUNDA mobile robot relies on the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm to create a map in an unknown environment while also localizing itself in it. As robots become...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chaojie Feng, Tsang-Kai Chang
Keywords(s): Advanced Computing / AI, Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), Computer Aided Learning, Control Systems, Robotics, Simulation & Modeling, Software, Software & Algorithms
Category(s): Mechanical > Robotics, Software & Algorithms > Programs
An Economical Design and Processing of Lipophilic Drugs for Fast-Releasing Water Dispersible Formulations
An Economical Design and Processing of Lipophilic Drugs for Fast-Releasing Water Dispersible FormulationsPrinceton Docket # 18-3396-1The Prud’homme group has developed a novel, economical, and scalable formulation and process to prepare nanoparticles from poorly water soluble drugs in order to improve oral bioavailability and dissolution rate...
Published: 12/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jie Feng, Kurt Ristroph, Hoang Lu, Yingyue Zhang, Simon McManus, Robert Prud'homme
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Formation of Nano-Emulsions by Bursting Bubbles in a Liquid-Liquid Interface
A Novel and Low-Cost Method for Nano-emulsion Preparation Princeton Docket # 13-2871-1 Nano-emulsions are used in novel multiphase materials for home and personal care products, drug-delivery applications, structured liquids, etc. However, current methods for the preparation of nano-emulsions require either high-energy methods or sophisticated devices....
Published: 6/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Luben Arnaudov, Simeon Stoyanov, Howard Stone, Jie Feng, Matthieu Roché, Daniele Vigolo
Keywords(s): Chemistry, drug delivery, materials
Category(s): Chemistry, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Materials