Search Results - blake+johnson

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3D Printable Multifunctional Fibers
THE CHALLENGE 3D printing has enabled the customized production of many objects and devices, but that technology currently only creates passive units. THE SOLUTION Researchers at Virginia Tech have developed a coaxial micro-extrusion technique that enables us to take advantage of triboelectric energy generation and custom build sensors to fit anywhere....
Published: 11/6/2023   |   Inventor(s): Blake Johnson, Yuxin Tong, John Robertson, Xiaoting Jia, Ziang Feng
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Biomedical, Technology Classifications > Energy, Technology Classifications > Additive Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Mitochondrial-Targeted Peptide Modulators of Delta Protein Kinase C Interaction with the d-subunit of F1Fo ATP Synthase/ATPase as Therapeutics Against Cardiac Injury
Current State of the Art: Current clinical therapy for heart attack victims focuses on the rapid restoration of blood flow by thrombolysis, angioplasty, stenting and when appropriate surgical coronary artery bypass grafts. Problems with the Current Art: The majority of cardiac cell death associated with a heart attack actually occurs during the...
Published: 4/29/2020   |   Inventor(s): John Johnson, Tiffany Tuyen Nguyen, Mourad Ogbi
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular, Heart Attack, Therapeutics
Category(s): Therapeutics
Asymmetric Sensor
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY An asymmetric sensor having asymmetric electrodes and/or being asymmetrically anchored provides enhanced sensitivity. In example embodiments, part of the electrode on a sensor is etched or removed resulting in enhanced mass-change sensitive resonant modes. In another example embodiment, a sensor is anchored asymmetrically,...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rajakkannu Mutharasan, Ramji Lakshmanan, Harsh Sharma, Blake Johnson
Category(s): Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Diagnostic Tests, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Point of Care Diagnostics, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors > Hardware: Biological Sensors, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors > Hardware: Chemical Sensors
3-D Printed Patient-Specific Conduits for Complex Peripheral Nerve Injury
Princeton Docket # 14-3008-1 Researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University have developed a method to produce patient-specific biometic nerve conduit for complex nerve injury regenerations, including but not limiting to peripheral and central nervous system regenerations using 3D imaging and 3D printing...
Published: 3/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael McAlpine, Blake Johnson, Hai-Quan Mao, Ahmet Hoke
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, neuroscience, regenerative medicine
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics
Creation of Multi-Functional Hybrid Devices/Structures by Three Dimensional Integration of Individual Components Using 3D Printing
Creation of Multi-functional Hybrid Devices/Structures by Three Dimensional Integration of Individual Components using 3D Printing Princeton Docket 13-2861-1 Researchers at Princeton University have developed a novel process to provide three dimensional manufacturing of object containing various functionalities including light emitting diodes, transistors,...
Published: 7/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael McAlpine, Manu Mannoor, Blake Johnson, Yong Lin Kong
Keywords(s): materials, tissue engineering, tissue repair
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Materials