Search Results - wentao+huang

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Processing Technique for Ceramic- based Energy Conversion and Storage Devices
Due to rising carbon emissions, extreme weather events and other environmental threats, the demand for alternative energy sources is greater than ever. Therefore, businesses and communities are asking for three things: more affordable electricity, more resilient power, and cleaner energy. Fuel cells, electrolysis cells, membrane reactors, and solid-state...
Published: 1/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hai Xiao, Jianhua Tong, Fei Peng, Kyle Brinkman, Jincheng Lei, Yuzhe Hong, Hua Huang, Shenglong Mu, Rajendra Bordia
Category(s): Manufacturing
Water-based, highly tunable and biocompatible silk-based bioink
SUMMARYTufts investigators have developed biopolymer-­based ink formulations that are useful for inkjet printing and other applications.PROBLEMPreparation of water-based, highly-tunable and biocompatible bioinks remains a challenge. It often requires complicated multistep manufacturing process that is time-­consuming, energy-­intensive and...
Published: 9/30/2020   |   Inventor(s): Fiorenzo Omenetto, David Kaplan, Hu Tao, Benedetto Marelli, Miaomiao Yang
Category(s): Biomaterials
Electronic components on paper-based substrates
Electronic components on paper-based substratesThe present disclosure relates to paper-based substrates and apparatus comprising such substrates. The apparatus may include a patterned conductive structure coupled to the paper-based substrate, wherein the patterned conductive structure responds to electromagnetic radiation. Since paper-based substrates...
Published: 9/10/2020   |   Inventor(s): Fiorenzo Omenetto, David Kaplan, Hu Tao
Category(s): Diagnostic
Automated Pain Detection in Pediatric Care
uot;Times New Roman",serif; font-size:12pt">Unmet Need: Continuous pain assessment in infants Continuing advances in intensive care have made it possible for premature infants to survive outside the uterus in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) even at very early stages of development. Infants in the NICU may receive an estimated 10-14 painful...
Published: 6/27/2022   |   Inventor(s): Subhanshu Gupta, Huan Hu, Martin Schiavenato
Category(s): Technologies > Health & Well-being > Health-IT, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Medical Devices, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Computer Hardware/Software, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Electrical/Electronics
Silk Water Lithography
SUMMARYTufts University investigators have developed a room temperature lithography technique that eliminates the need for expensive equipment and minimizes the use of harsh chemicals without sacrificing resolution.DESCRIPTION A resist film that is composed of a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer (derived from silk) combined with a water-based...
Published: 9/30/2020   |   Inventor(s): Fiorenzo Omenetto, David Kaplan, Miaomiao Yang, Hu Tao, Benedetto Marelli, Sunghwan Kim
Category(s): Materials
Communication Efficient Secret Sharing
Methods for distributed data storage that enable secret sharing. A secret sharing scheme is a method for distributing a secret among several parties in such a way that only qualified subsets of the parties can reconstruct it and unqualified subsets receive no information about the secret. The key idea to reduce communication is to let the user...
Published: 2/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Langberg, Wentao Huang, Joerg Kliewer, Jehoshua Bruck
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Computers, Campus > University at Buffalo
Spin XOR Gate in Ferromagnet-Nonmagnet Heterostructures
A device capable of combining non-volatile memory with spin based-processing to dramatically increase processing speed and lower the power requirement of many CMOS logic gates. Current data search devices rely on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Although CMOS has long been the gold standard, it is limited by the number...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Igor Zutic, Roland Kawakami, Hanan Dery, Ilya Krivorotov, Lu Sham, Jing Shi, Hua Wen
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Campus > University at Buffalo
Gold Nanoparticle-Doped Biocompatible Silk Films as a Path to Implantable Thermal-electrically Wireless Powering Devices
Tufts researchers have developed silk-based photothermal devices capable of wirelessly converting light energy into heat. These devices are mechanically robust, implantable, biocompatible and biodegradable, which makes them useful for a wide range of in vivo applications including photothermal therapy, controlled drug delivery, wireless powering of...
Published: 6/4/2020   |   Inventor(s): Fiorenzo Omenetto, Hu Tao, David Kaplan
Category(s): Energy, Materials: polymers, Optics, Medical devices, Therapeutic
Silk Metamaterials
SUMMARYResearchers at Tufts University have developed a wireless, passive radio frequency identification device (RFID) built entirely from silk. This flexible sensor consists of a gold RFID antenna array on a silk polymer substrate. The array is less than 100 micrometer thick, and is fully biocompatible. EXISTING SOLUTIONSPassive RFID tags applied to...
Published: 9/30/2020   |   Inventor(s): Fiorenzo Omenetto, David Kaplan, Jason Amsden, Richard Averitt, Andrew Strikwerda, Xin Zhang, Hu Tao, Konstantinos Tsioris
Category(s): Biomaterials