Search Results - konstantinos+tsioris

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Silk Based Microneedle Patches for Transdermal Drug Delivery
Researchers have developed a series of silk-based adhesive materials, including silk-based microneedle arrays, which demonstrate excellent biocompatability and are able to stabilize active biomolecules within the silk matrix prior to administration.Download a detailed description of the invention hereIntellectual PropertyUS Publication 2013-0338632...
Published: 7/27/2022   |   Inventor(s): David Kaplan, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Konstantinos Tsioris, Eleanor Pritchard
Category(s): Materials, Materials: nanoscale, Medical devices
Silk Metamaterials
SUMMARYResearchers at Tufts University have developed a wireless, passive radio frequency identification device (RFID) built entirely from silk. This flexible sensor consists of a gold RFID antenna array on a silk polymer substrate. The array is less than 100 micrometer thick, and is fully biocompatible. EXISTING SOLUTIONSPassive RFID tags applied to...
Published: 9/30/2020   |   Inventor(s): Fiorenzo Omenetto, David Kaplan, Jason Amsden, Richard Averitt, Andrew Strikwerda, Xin Zhang, Hu Tao, Konstantinos Tsioris
Category(s): Biomaterials