Search Results - martin+schiavenato

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Bile Acids and Other Agents that Modulate the Gut Microbiome for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
Abstract: Primary liver tumors and secondary hepatic malignancies are among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Liver metastases account for 95% of all hepatic cancers, and the liver is the most common site for organ metastasis in the body. The gut microbiome serves an important role in antitumor immunity regulating the efficacy of chemo- and...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tim Greten, Chi Ma
Keywords(s): Bile Acid, Greten, Liver cancer, Natural Killer T Cells, NKT cells
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Application > Therapeutics, Collaboration Sought > Licensing
Automated Pain Detection in Pediatric Care
uot;Times New Roman",serif; font-size:12pt">Unmet Need: Continuous pain assessment in infants Continuing advances in intensive care have made it possible for premature infants to survive outside the uterus in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) even at very early stages of development. Infants in the NICU may receive an estimated 10-14 painful...
Published: 6/27/2022   |   Inventor(s): Subhanshu Gupta, Huan Hu, Martin Schiavenato
Category(s): Technologies > Health & Well-being > Health-IT, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Medical Devices, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Computer Hardware/Software, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Electrical/Electronics
Self-weighing, self-powered smart diaper
Unmet Need: Hygienic continuous monitoring of urinary output in babies. Urinary output (UO) is an important metric in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of many disorders including kidney disease, heart failure, dehydration, and shock. Premature infants suffer from several factors that make them especially vulnerable to fluid and electrolyte imbalances....
Published: 4/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Martin Schiavenato, Hang Liu, Subhanshu Gupta
Category(s): Technologies > Health & Well-being > Medical Devices, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Electrical/Electronics
A Multidimensional Real-Time Pain Monitoring System
ApplicationsThis invention relates to monitoring pain and distress in premature infants and in other non-communicative populations such as critically ill and those cognitively impaired. It would also potentially have broad applications for parental monitoring of new born infants. The proposed system would automatically measure multiple parameters and...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Martin Schiavenato, Laurel Carney, Scott Seidman
Keywords(s): Neonatology, NICU, Pediatric
Category(s): Diagnostic, Devices, Communications, Informatics