Search Results - jianhua+tong

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Processing Technique for Ceramic- based Energy Conversion and Storage Devices
Due to rising carbon emissions, extreme weather events and other environmental threats, the demand for alternative energy sources is greater than ever. Therefore, businesses and communities are asking for three things: more affordable electricity, more resilient power, and cleaner energy. Fuel cells, electrolysis cells, membrane reactors, and solid-state...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hai Xiao, Jianhua Tong, Fei Peng, Kyle Brinkman, Jincheng Lei, Yuzhe Hong, Hua Huang, Shenglong Mu, Rajendra Bordia
Category(s): Manufacturing
Bi-Functional RGD Peptide and a Co-Signaling Mechanism to Promote Therapeutic Angiogenesis
Bi-Functional RGD Peptide to Promote Therapeutic Angiogenesis, Treat Ischemic Diseases Technology: While previous studies have focused on the identification of biological ligands to improve the functions of endothelial cells, MUSC and Clemson University researchers have combined modern bioinformatics and a newly established peptide functionalized...
Published: 3/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chung-Jen (James) Chou, Ying Mei, Jia Jia
Category(s): BioPharma