Search Results - medical%2fhealth

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A Method for Modulating Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in the Human Intestine
Engineered bacteria (smart probiotics) have been developed to sense and modify harmful sulfur species and specifically hydrogen sulfide in the gut for the treatment of intestinal diseases such as IBD. Background Gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Hayes, Benjamin Woolston
Keywords(s): Biotech, Gastrointestinal Disease, Medical/Health, Metabolic Engineering, Microbiology
Category(s): -Health, -Microbiology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Bio-sensors, -Chemistry, -Biology
Pressure Eye: In-bed Contact Pressure Estimation via Contact-less Imaging
rder-collapse: collapse; } INV-21122 Background Pressure ulcers are a localized injury to the skin or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence as a result of pressure. Pressure ulcers have been reported as the third most costly and deadly complication after cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In the United States, each year about 2.5...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shuangjun Liu, Sarah Ostadabbas
Keywords(s): bedsores, computer vision and deep learning, Medical/Health, pressure ulcer
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > AI, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > Software
FInD (Foraging Interactive D-prime) - A rapid and general method for efficient and sensitive visual function assessment
21015 Background Vision screening in both clinical and basic science is a critical step that quantifies functional deficits in the visual system. In clinical practice, vision screening is essential for disease diagnosis and monitoring; in basic science, it can quantify sensory or perceptual performance or ensure that research participants meet specific...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Bex, Jan Skerswetat
Keywords(s): Adaptive, autism, Detection, Devices, Display, Drug Discovery & Development, Health, Medical, Medical Device, Medical/Health, Mobile devices, Monitoring, Neurological Disease, personalized medicine, Real-Time Implementation, Rehabilitation, Research Tool, Science/Research, Screening Tool, Software and Algorithms
Category(s): -Devices, -Diagnostic Software, Diagnostics
A probiotic product for detoxification of the recreational drug gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB)
INV-20018 Background GHB is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter and a psychoactive drug. It is a precursor to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate in certain brain areas. GHB has been used for recreational purposes as a club drug and, in some instances, leads to drug-facilitated sexual assault. When over-dosed, GHB can cause severe...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yunrong Chai, Yuxuan Qin
Keywords(s): Biomolecules, Drugs, Medical/Health
Category(s): -Analytical Chemistry, -Health
DNA Preservation in Biological Specimens Using Metal Chelators
INV-20074 Background The growing importance of DNA-based research has created an increasing demand for methods that can preserve high-quality DNA in biological samples. A number of available preservation techniques can delay the degradation of DNA in tissue samples, but many are not easily adapted to the wide range of conditions commonly encountered...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Daniel Distel
Keywords(s): Animal/Veterinary, Biology, DNA preservation in biological tissue, DNA stabilization in biological tissue, Forensic applications, Medical/Health, Science/Research
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Biotechnology
Zipper Aid via an Attachable Guide
collapse: collapse; } INV-14091 Description Patients suffering from tremors, such as in Parkinson’s Disease, often face difficulty in performing tasks requiring small muscle movements. Even small children are not very comfortable in managing these tasks independently. One of such tasks is alignment of two ends of an open ended...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Gouldstone, Hannah Coakley
Keywords(s): Devices, Health, Healthcare Innovation, Medical Device, Medical/Health
Category(s): -Health, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Medical Devices
Method for Delivery to the Brain of Plasmid DNA Encoding Therapeutic Proteins for CNS Disorders
#0000FF;text-decoration: underline;border-collapse: collapse; } INV-1262 Background Neurodegenerative diseases are debilitating diseases that impose significant financial and social impact and burden. The prevalence of these diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is progressing...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Barbara Waszczak, Brendan Harmon, Mark Cooper
Keywords(s): Biology, Biotech, Chemistry, Drug Delivery, Health, Medical, Medical/Health, Method, Neurological Disease, Process, Psychiatric Disease, Therapeutic
Category(s): -Biology, -Health, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Drug Delivery
Radionuclidic and Non-radionuclidic Molecular Imaging Agents for the Estrogen Receptor Based on 11-beta Subsituted Steroidal Anti-Estrogens
INV-13041 Background Breast cancer has become the most common cancer globally as of 2021, accounting for 12% of all new annual cancer cases worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. Among patients with breast cancer, approximately 75% have elevated expression of estrogen receptor (ER). Knowing the hormone receptor status of cancer is...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robert Hanson, Kinh-Luan (Lenny) Dao
Keywords(s): Cancer, Chemistry, Diagnostics, Health, Medical imaging, Medical/Health, Science/Research
Category(s): -Health, Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > Imaging, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Theragnostic