Search Results - gastrointestinal+disease

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A Method for Modulating Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in the Human Intestine
Engineered bacteria (smart probiotics) have been developed to sense and modify harmful sulfur species and specifically hydrogen sulfide in the gut for the treatment of intestinal diseases such as IBD. Source:...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Hayes, Benjamin Woolston
Keywords(s): Biotech, Gastrointestinal Disease, Medical/Health, Metabolic Engineering, Microbiology
Category(s): -Health, -Microbiology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Bio-sensors, -Chemistry, -Biology
TGFβ-treatment of organoid cultures primes for regenerative therapy of damaged epithelia
A) GI epithelial organoids treated with TGFβ (right panel) acquire a spherical morphology and regenerative identity compared to vehicle-treated organoids (left panel). B-D) Organoids treated with TGFβ engraft more efficiently into the colon of mice exhibiting ulcerative colitis-like disease based on fluorescent micrographs (B), size per colonized...
Published: 10/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Verzi, Lei Chen
Keywords(s): Gastrointestinal disease
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences
Leukemia inhibitory factor- Protective role for radiation/chemo-induced gut syndrome and GVHD
Invention Summary: Currently there is no effective therapy for prevention or treatment of radiation therapy-induced gastrointestinal (GI) tract injury This is also true for Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) which remains a major complication after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, a widely-used therapy for hematologic malignancies...
Published: 10/4/2022   |   Inventor(s): Wenwei Hu, Zhaohui Feng, Jianming Wang, Huaying Wang
Keywords(s): Anti-cancer, Gastrointestinal disease, Peptides
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Cancer, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics