Search Results - peter+bex

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Optimal Adaptive Scheduling of Clinical Assessments
INV-15103 Background Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) data provides a rich context for diagnosing and tracking the progression or remediation of disease during health care interventions. EMA enables frequent data collection between clinical appointments and in non-clinical settings. When implemented on mobile systems it provides a platform...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Bex, John Ackermann, Tobias Elze
Category(s): -Diagnostic Software, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > Bioinformatics/Network Health
FInD (Foraging Interactive D-prime) - A rapid and general method for efficient and sensitive visual function assessment
21015 Background Vision screening in both clinical and basic science is a critical step that quantifies functional deficits in the visual system. In clinical practice, vision screening is essential for disease diagnosis and monitoring; in basic science, it can quantify sensory or perceptual performance or ensure that research participants meet specific...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Bex, Jan Skerswetat
Keywords(s): Adaptive, autism, Detection, Devices, Display, Drug Discovery & Development, Health, Medical, Medical Device, Medical/Health, Mobile devices, Monitoring, Neurological Disease, personalized medicine, Real-Time Implementation, Rehabilitation, Research Tool, Science/Research, Screening Tool, Software and Algorithms
Category(s): -Devices, -Diagnostic Software, Diagnostics