Search Results - guangzhao+mao

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DNA Nanocaged Enzymes
Compartmentalization increases the overall activity and specificity of encapsulated enzymes by protecting the enzymes, maintaining a high concentration of enzymes and substrates, and promoting substrate channeling. While there have been artificial enzymatic particles that have been created using compartmentalization by virus-like proteins, liposomes,...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jinglin Fu, Hao Yan, Neal Woodbury, Zhao Zhao
Keywords(s): Bioanalysis, Catalysis, Enzymes
Category(s): Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology, Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Life Science (All LS Techs), Medical Diagnostics/Sensors
Using nanotechnology to target aggressive cancers with a novel small molecule inhibitor of the DNA damage tolerance pathway
Background: Nanotechnology is emerging as a promising tool to target cancer cells. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are preferentially taken up by cancer cells when injected into the blood stream and their safety has been demonstrated in human clinical trials. WSU researchers have designed a unique nanoparticle conjugate that combines a GNP with a small molecule...
Published: 8/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Malathy Shekhar, Guangzhao Mao, Yanhua Zhang
Category(s): Life Science, Oncology, Small molecule, Receptors/targets, Nano-based, Drug Delivery, Therapeutics, Diseases
Targeted Drug Delivery for Spinal Cord Injury
Technology Summary: WSU researchers have developed a new nanoparticle-drug conjugate for treating cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) that can restore respiratory function to the paralyzed hemi diaphragm. Using the nano-conjugate enables targeted delivery of the drug directly to the respiratory centers resulting in dramatically lower effective dosages...
Published: 11/11/2021   |   Inventor(s): Harry Goshgarian, Guangzhao Mao, Yi Zou, Sunxi Wang
Keywords(s): Central Nervous System, Drug Delivery, Neuroscience, Therapeutics
Category(s): Therapeutics, Life Science, Drug Delivery, Medical, Chemical Processing/Systhesis, Nanomaterials, Neurological disorders, Receptors/targets
Nano-beaker array formation process and its use for high-throughput loading and crystallization screening and other lab-on-the-chip applications
Wayne State University researchers have invented a novel process to make array patterns and its use for high-throughput screening of crystallization conditions, liquid solution applications, and other lab-on-the-chip applications. The formation process is a variation of “particle lithography” in which microparticles such as polystyrene microparticles...
Published: 9/17/2019   |   Inventor(s): Guangzhao Mao, Daniel Sobczynski, Sunxi Wang, Eugene Xhahysa, Pedram Jahanian
Keywords(s): Nanotechnology
Category(s): Physical Sciences, Microfluidics, MEMS, Life Science, Research tools, Other