Search Results - bryan+johnson

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Mitochondrial-Targeted Peptide Modulators of Delta Protein Kinase C Interaction with the d-subunit of F1Fo ATP Synthase/ATPase as Therapeutics Against Cardiac Injury
Current State of the Art: Current clinical therapy for heart attack victims focuses on the rapid restoration of blood flow by thrombolysis, angioplasty, stenting and when appropriate surgical coronary artery bypass grafts. Problems with the Current Art: The majority of cardiac cell death associated with a heart attack actually occurs during the...
Published: 4/29/2020   |   Inventor(s): John Johnson, Tiffany Tuyen Nguyen, Mourad Ogbi
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular, Heart Attack, Therapeutics
Category(s): Therapeutics
A novel composition for bioadhesive tissue engineering
Technology Tissue engineering focuses on repairing or regenerating lost or damaged tissues and organs in the body. A goal of tissue engineering is to design biomimetic scaffolds that reproduce the mechanical and biochemical properties of natural tissue. These scaffolds should have desirable biological properties such that after implantation or application...
Published: 7/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andrea Vernengo, Jennifer Kadlowec, Pamela Kubinski, Thomas Tulenko, Cristina Iftode, Bryan Johnson, Craig Wiltsey
Keywords(s): Biomaterials, Hydrogels, Polymers, Regenerative Medicine, Scaffold, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering
Category(s): Human Health Care > Biomaterials, Human Health Care > Medical Devices
Non invasive embryo screening for improved human IVF outcomes
Market NeedDespite growth in industry demand, IVF cycles currently result in low success rates, with reports indicating less than 20% of cycles result in a live birth. While part of this is attributable to the physical environment of the individual patients, part of the high fail rate of IVF is attributable to the clinical elements of the IVF process,...
Published: 9/21/2018   |   Inventor(s): Jeremy Thompson, Hannah Brown, Martin Gosnell, John Ryan
Category(s): Bioinformatics, Biology, Computer Software, Diagnostic, Imaging
Process for Large-Scale Free-Form 3D Printing
Process for Large-Scale Free-Form 3D Printing Princeton Docket # 14-3040 Large-scale 3D printers have constraints which include being slow for mass production, not cost-effective, and limited in available printing materials. Researchers in the School of Architecture at Princeton University have developed a technique for increasing the viability...
Published: 2/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ryan Johns, Nicholas Foley, Axel Kilian
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, polymer chemistry
Category(s): Materials