Search Results - steven+santaniello

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Novel Bronchodilators For Treating Obstructive Lung Disease
­Competitive Advantages Identified novel bronchodilators agonists that relax airway smooth muscle Could be a novel therapeutic for asthma and other obstructive lung diseases Could also be a therapeutic for other types of bronchoconstriction caused by smoke or anaphylaxis Summary Currently patients with obstructive airways diseases have...
Published: 5/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Liggett, James Leahy, Donghwa Kim, Steven An
Keywords(s): Medical Therapeutics Cell Therapy, Respiratory Diseases, Respiratory Diseases Treatment, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Respiratory, Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics
Cell Collection Device for Biological Analysis
This technology is an improvement to a falloposcope designed with optical elements selected for detection of early stage ovarian cancer in fallopian tube epithelium. The cells collected by the falloposcope is grounded in a growing body of medical cytology research for earlier cancer detection. This cell collection device improvement focuses on site...
Published: 11/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jennifer Barton, Swati Chandra, Steven Santaniello, Richard Cordova
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Medical Imaging