Search Results - soft+scaffolds

2 Results Sort By:
Microfluidic Method for Continuous Production of Microfibers With Embedded Droplets
Microfluidic Method for Continuous Production of Microfibers with Embedded Droplets Princeton Docket #14-2982 Fibers are a useful medium for numerous applications, including drug delivery. Current technologies usually make fibers of homogeneous chemical composition or employ axial core-shell structures. To create more complex shapes and compositions,...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Howard Stone, Janine Nunes, Eujin Um, Tamara Pico
Keywords(s): drug delivery, life science research tools, regenerative medicine, research tool, soft scaffolds, therapeutic, tissue engineering, tissue repair, wound healing
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics
Smart Scaffolds for Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine
Smart Scaffolds for Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine Princeton Docket # 12-2742 A major challenge in biomedical research with application to regenerative medicine is to cause cells to assemble into particular orientations or alignments on a scaffold device in order to generate tissues with the required cellular organization and mechanical properties....
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Schwartz, Jean Schwarzbauer, Casey Jones, Patrick Donnelly, Stephen Bandini
Keywords(s): medical device, soft scaffolds, tissue engineering, tissue repair, wound healing
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Materials