Search Results - reactor

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Periodic Extensional Flow Reactor
INV-24009 Background The ability to precisely control molecular orientation in polymer films is critical for optimizing material properties like strength and flexibility in many industrial applications. However, current manufacturing methods rely on applying extensional flow just once during polymerization, limiting orientation control to polymers...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Steven Lustig, John Biswakarma, Emil Sandoz-Rosado, Andrew Carr, Eric Wetzel
Keywords(s): 2D materials, Coater, Extensional Flow, Polymer, Process, Reactor
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science
Low Cost Methods for Producing Microchannel Process Technology
A manufacturing architecture that uses microchannel flow inserts to enable stamping and avoid photochemical etching Background Microchannel process technology is useful in a variety of applications including heat exchangers, solar cells, hydrogen storage, and chemical reactors. The surface-area-to-volume ratios of microchannels are as large as...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Brian Paul, Samuel Brannon
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Chemical Synthesis, Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Energy Storage, Heat exchangers, Heat Transfer, Manufacturing, Mechanical & Areospace Engineering, Metal Alloy, Microchannel, Mixing, Nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, Physical Science, Physics / Applied Engineering, Process/Procedure, Reactor, Research Tools
Category(s): Device, Engineering, Medical Devices, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Research Tools, Sustainability & Cleantechnologies, Transportation