Search Results - pathogenesis

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Swabseq Agnostic Diagnostic Platform (Case No. 2023-293)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Departments of Computer Science and Anatomic Pathology have developed an untargeted NGS diagnostic tool capable of detecting all known and emerging respiratory RNA viruses in a single test, enhancing our capacity to rapidly address public health crises through improved diagnostics. Background: Most clinical diagnostic...
Published: 9/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eleazar Eskin, Valerie Arboleda
Keywords(s): agnostic detection, Bioinformatics, bioinformatics pipeline, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Diagnostic Markers & Platforms, Diagnostic Test, DNA Sequencing, Medical diagnostics, metagenomic diagnostic platform, meta-genomics, next generation sequencing (NGS), Pathogen, Pathogenesis, Sequencing
Category(s): Platforms, Platforms > Diagnostic Platform Technologies, Life Science Research Tools, Life Science Research Tools > Research Methods, Diagnostic Markers > Targets And Assays, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Bioinformatics
2019-737 Deep Learning-Based Color Holographic Microscopy
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical Engineering have developed a novel deep learning-based method that performs high-fidelity color image reconstruction using a single hologram. Background: Pathology slides are currently the gold standard in diagnostics for many diseases. Accurate color representations of well stained pathology...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Aydogan Ozcan, Yair Rivenson, Tairan Liu, Yibo Zhang, Zhensong Wei
Keywords(s): Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), Artificial Neural Network, Computer Aided Learning, Confocal Microscopy, Cytopathology, Digital Holography, Electron Microscope, Fluorescence Microscope, Fluorescence-Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Leading Lights, Histology, Histopathology, Holography, Image Resolution, Imaging, Immunohistochemistry, Machine Learning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pathology, Medical Imaging, Microscope, Microscopy, Microscopy And Imaging, Neuropathology, Pathogen, Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology, Perceptual Learning, Unsupervised Learning , Wavelength
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Imaging, Life Science Research Tools, Life Science Research Tools > Microscopy And Imaging, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Diagnostic Markers, Medical Devices > Medical Imaging